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We would like to invite you to come and see the posters at our upcoming conference. The posters will showcase a diverse range of research topics, and will give delegates an opportunity to engage with the authors and learn more about their work. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or simply curious about the latest developments in your field, we believe that the posters will offer something of interest to everyone. So please join us at the conference and take advantage of this opportunity to learn and engage with your peers in the academic community. We look forward to seeing you there!

PO001: Cyber security essential to wind energy and digital transition
Shaun Reardon, Head of Section - Industrial Systems, DNV

PO002: Renewable energy and cyber resilience: a unified defence
Rafael Narezzi, Founder of Cyber Energia and CTO of CFP Energy, Cyber Energia
PO003: Wind turbine gearbox simulation
David Bader, Sofware Development Lead, Inmox

PO006: AI-based models for the real-time detection of power curve performance deviations
Carlos Niederbacher, Product Manager, Fluence

PO007: Comparing Blade Specialist Expertise to AI in Wind Turbine Blade Inspections
Kevin Driscoll-Lind, CTO, Perceptual Robotics

PO008: Portfolio Optimization for Renewable Energy Assets
Philipp Joas, Managing Director, Ampero GmbH

PO009: Challenges on prognostics and health management for wind turbine components
Urko Leturiondo, Monitoring Team Leader, Ikerlan

PO011: Accelerating the path to first power: Integrated Geo-data for faster offshore wind farm development
Margarita McInnis, Business Development Coordinator, Offshore Wind Americas, Fugro

PO012: Maximising Wind Revenue and WTG performance through Machine Learning and Condition Monitoring
Abid Sayeed, Offshore Wind Asset Management and O&M, Kent

PO013: Intelligent device for structural damage detection combining computer vision and edge computing
Miguel Ángel Rodríguez López, Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Senior Manager , Digital Hub de Acciona S.A.

PO015: Developing Real Time Detection of Ice Formation in Wind Turbine Blades Using Acoustic Data.
Obdulia Ley, Subject Matter Expert - AE, Mistras Group

PO016: Generating tools to effectively compare and rank blade acoustic response: Defining Probability of Defect Activity (PDA).
Valery Godinez-Azcuaga, VP Engineering and Product Development, Mistras Group

PO020: A Unified Data Format for Marine Survey Data: The Key to Efficient Data Management in the Cloud
Natalia Bueno Alonso, Senior Marketing Manager ,

PO021: Ørsted data model for GIS data management of Offshore Wind farms
James Newberry, Lead Specialist, Ørsted

PO022: The best from both worlds - RDS PS Wind and OCX coming together
Elling Rishoff, SVP DNV Incubation Wind, DNV

PO023: How to widen Wind Turbine Profitability
Sven Kiekbusch, Head of Product Management Digitalisation and Service, Flender GmbH

PO025: Improving data sharing in practice - power curve benchmarking case study
Sarah Barber, Head of Wind Energy Innovation Division, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences

PO026: Improving wind farm efficiency with an IoT platform with collective control
Zuri Zugasti, Sr. Technical Leader, WindESCo

PO027: Application of multicriteria decision analysis and GIS in the technical-economic feasibility study of offshore wind farms: a review of the main criteria
David Melo, Researcher, Creation Research Group (UFRN)

PO029: Industry informed digital twin desires
Ewan Norris, PhD Student, University of Sheffield

PO075: Detecting Damages in Chain and Synthetic Mooring Lines of Floating Wind Turbines
Rune Schlanbusch, Deputy Research Director, Norwegian Research Centre - NORCE AS

PO076: A Study for the effect on a dynamic power cable influenced by the motion of a floating offshore wind turbine
Kangho Kim, MS. Student, Dept. of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Mokpo National University

PO077: An open-source 22MW floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) design
Gijs Bouman, Project Manager, MARIN

PO078: Collaborative development of a subsea energy hub - a game changer for floating wind farm electrical architectures
Lucy Bain, Field Development Engineer, Subsea7

PO080: Rock anchor drill speed predictions: cutting balance of plant installation times
Nicholas Kaufmann, SCHOTTEL Marine Technologies

PO082: Dynamic cable management during tow to port operations
Henrik Kirkeby, Senior Electrical Engineer, Sea Breeze Electrical Consulting

PO083: Pre-stretching effect on polyester and nylon mooring lines for commercial wind farms in deep waters
Marie Feron, Offshore Wind Naval Architect, TotalEnergies

PO084: Learning rates for the development and scale-up of hybrid offshore wind systems
Craig White, PhD Student, WavEC Offshore Renewables

PO087: Floating wind O&M strategy optimisation through weather downtime analysis
Simon Dujardin, O&M Floating Wind Engineer, Skyborn Renewables

PO088: Impact of array cable pre-laying on floating offshore wind farm installation campaigns
Chen Yung, Research Scientist, TNO

PO089: Shared anchors in floating offshore wind turbines
Jordi Serret, Principal Consultant/Project Manager, Innosea UK Ltd/OWC Spain

PO092: DemoSATH Floating Wind Turbine Towing, Mooring and Subsea Cable Hook-Up: Challenges and Lessons Learned
Abouzar Daneshpajouh, Project Director, Saitec Offshore Technologies

PO093: Transportation & Installation methods for Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations
Jun An Lim, Engineering Consultant, DNV

PO094: Floating offshore substations
Maria Jørgensen, Sales Manager, Semco Maritime

PO095: Performance analysis and comparison of the first large-scale offshore floating wind projects
Jean-Baptiste Rougeot, Offshore Energy Analyst Manager, Spinergie

PO096: Single-Point-Mooring system floating offshore windturbine orientation analysis based on full-scale DemoSATH prototype monitoring data
Marc Batlle Martin, Hydrodynamics Lead Engineer, Saitec Offshore Technologies

PO097: «Realistic» floating wind costs
Rachel Spiegel, Senior Consultant, Renewables Northern Europe, DNV

PO098: Commercial scale floating wind: INTOG leading the way
Frida Knudsen, Technical Manager, Green Volt and Cenos, Vårgrønn

PO099: Finding the optimal balance between optimising foundation parameters and designing for a holistic approach
Jesper Møller, CSO & Head of Business Development, Stiesdal Offshore A/S

PO100: A novel solution for Power Curve Verification of floating Wind Turbines
Dimitri Foussekis, Research Engineer, C.R.E.S.

PO101: From prototype to industrialized solution: the PivotBuoy experience
Alex Raventos, CEO & Co-founder, X1 Wind

PO102: The importance of early OEM engagement
Per Hyldahl, Chief Engineer, Stiesdal Offshore A/S

PO104: Sea ice challenges for floating offshore wind turbines (FOWTs)
Iman El Gharamti, Research Scientist, VTT

PO105: Co-engineering with a wind turbine OEM: a floating foundation designer's view
Raffaello Antonutti, Head of Floating Wind Load Analysis, Sofresid Engineering

PO106: An engineering method to assess extreme breaking wave loads in design of floating offshore wind turbines
Jean Francois Filipot, Scientific Director, France Energies Marines

PO107: A novel Digital Twin-based Structural Health Monitoring solution for offshore wind turbine platforms
Julio García Espinosa, Full professor of shipbuilding technology - Deputy Director for Institutional Relations, Technical University of Madrid

PO112: Modelling the landing of crew transfer vessels (CTV) on floating offshore wind turbines (FOWT) to assess accessibility
Maxime Duchet, Research Engineer on Floating Offshore Wind Turbines, EDF R&D

PO113: Development of a floating Vertical Axis Wind Turbine for the Mediterranean Sea
Alberto Ghigo, PhD Student, Politecnico di Torino

PO114: Influence of platform dynamic yaw motions on wake, turbine power and loads
Marit Kvittem, Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF Ocean

PO115: A python-based floating offshore wind turbine design framework
Javier Lopez, PhD Student, TECNALIA

PO117: Using probabilistic cost modelling to reflect technical and market uncertainties
Maximilian Foy, Offshore Wind Consultant, Ramboll

PO119: Use of EPR insulated array cables to enhance the 66kV technology lifespan
Dimitrios Kostopoulos, Engineering Manager MV submarine and array cables, Prysmian Powerlink S.p.A

PO120: Next generation dynamic subsea cables for floating wind
Audun Johanson, R&D Project Manager & New Opportunities, Nexans

PO123: Comprehensive Analysis of Power Quality Compliance Issues in an Operational Wind Farm
Dominique Alonso Sorensen, Global Service Manager, Arteche

PO124: Form follows function? Dualism between maritime spatial planning and the future offshore grid
Felix Fliegner, Researcher, Technical University Dresden

PO125: Technical build out of an offshore integrated electrical and hydrogen infrastructure
Angelika Grohmann-Worle, Lead Offshore Development, TenneT GmbH

PO126: Passivity analysis for stability of offshore wind turbines
Alberto Barcia, Commercial Director in Wind Energy Converters & Controls, Ingeteam Power Technology, S.A

PO127: Grid-Forming STATCOM for the grid integration of New Yorks' first Offshore Wind farm
Andrew Owens, Global Product Manager, Hitachi Energy

PO128: Subsea Substations
Arill Hagland, Product Champion Power Solutions, OneSubsea Processing
PO129: Spatial planning is key to offshore wind system integration
Rahul Gopakumar, Engineering manager, Statkraft

PO130: From extension cable towards multi-plug: Enabling multi-terminal multi-vendor HVDC offshore grids
Jan Teuwsen, Head of Offshore Grid Projects, Amprion GmbH

PO132: Analysis of alternative routes to market for offshore wind farms
Tom James, Senior Consultant , Baringa

PO133: Application of a digital substation technology to offshore wind farms. A step towards the future.
Alexander Tsylin, Lead Protection Specialist, Ørsted

PO134: Adapting deep water energy management and storage technology for grid stability in offshore wind
Andy Martin, Chief Commercial Officer, Verlume

PO135: Offshore wind farm inter-array cable monitoring and protection scheme proposal based on passive fibre-optic sensing
Asier Gonzalez, Application Engineer, Lumiker Aplicaciones Tecnologicas

PO136: Subsea power transmission for offshore wind developments - a significant cost savings driver
Egil Birkemoe, Vice President, Electrical Transmission, Aker Solutions

PO137: Regulatory and technical challenges with co-location of offshore wind and additional (flexible) demand
Carmen Wouters, Managing Consultant, Guidehouse

PO138: Harvesting the power of the sun to improve the production of renewable energy offshore: challenges and perspectives from a floating solar demonstrator project offshore the coast of Belgium
Mert ÇANDARLI, Business Development & Sales Manager Offshore, Tractebel

PO139: Standards for grid integration of hydrogen infrastructure
Anna Heuschman, Research Associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES

PO140: Co-locating batteries to operational wind farms: A case study from the Netherlands
Rens Savenije, Business Lead System Integration, Ventolines

PO141: IEA Wind Task 51 Forecasting for the Weather Driven Energy System
Gregor Giebel, Senior Scientist, DTU

PO142: Large scale green hydrogen production in weak or island networks - Achieving stable power and H2 supply ?
Steinar Halsne, Senior Power System Design Engineer, ABB

PO143: Is it optimum to produce green hydrogen onshore using offshore wind power or is green hydrogen production offshore a better alternative?
Brian Horne, Offshore Wind Technical Director, Kent
PO146: Floating Wind to Hydrogen Potential in Northern Spain
Hector del Pozo Gonzalez, Project Engineer, Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC)

PO147: Techno-economic model for optimal dispatch of green hydrogen and ammonia plants
Carlos Albero Fuyola, Market Area Manager Iberia, DNV

PO149: Energizing Teesside: Unlocking green hydrogen potential and grid innovation for a Net Zero UK
James Withers, Research and Design Engineer - Hydrogen systems, ORE Catapult

PO150: System integration for improved offshore wind economics
Lennard Sijtsma, Managing Consultant, Guidehouse

PO151: Cost - optimized configuration of a dedicated wind farm - hydrogen production project
Anna Guell Pequerul, Senior Process Consultant, OWC

PO152: De-risking the industrialization of power-to-x equipment
Axel Dombrowski, Director Innovation & Digitalisation, DNV

PO153: Turkish Renewable Energy Resource Zone (REZ) Regulation and Energy Island Approach in Marmara Sea: Impact on Grid, Green Hydrogen Production
Dolunay Guclüer Küpeli, Vice President, Turkish Offshore Wind Energy Association

PO154: Offshore wind power, green hydrogen and green steel production: a technical, economic and market analysis
Mario Gonzalez, Researcher, Creation Research Group (UFRN)

PO156: Development of green hydrogen market: a guideline to policy makers
Jéssica Rayany Rodrigues Silva, Reseacher, Creation Research Group (UFRN)

PO157: Charting a path to sustainable hydrogen: a case study of the Offshore renewable energy Catapult's first hydrogen installation
James Withers, Research and Design Engineer - Hydrogen systems, ORE Catapult

PO158: Vibration Anomaly Detection of Wind Turbines Components Using Machine Learning and Statistical Methods.
Thiago Kleis, Global Sales Executive, AQTech Power Prognostics

PO159: Anomaly detection of wind turbine bearings through vibration signal processing and deep learning
Emerson Lima, Head of Condition Analysis Center, AQTech Power Prognostics

PO160: A cloud-based enterprise climate platform
Mark Zagar, Senior Specialist, Vestas

PO163: Exploring variability in operational energy yield analysis: insights from open data analysis
Charlie Plumley, Senior Performance Engineer, Glennmont Partners

PO164: Energy yield assessments considering climate change
Simone Pfau, Scientist Wind Field Modeling, GEO-NET Umweltconsulting GmbH

PO166: Forecast the impact of the climatic change on temperature derating losses
Arthur Cachia, Senior Wind Energy Yield Analyst, EDF Renouvelables

PO167: European Wind Resource Evolution under Climate Change: Design Considerations for Future FOWTs
Markel Penalba, Lecturer & Researcher, Mondragon University

PO168: Data Exchange in the Forthcoming IEC 61400-15-2 Standard
Mouhamet Diallo, Wind Expert, Tractebel

PO169: Rare Earths in Wind Turbines: Defining Product Category Rules (PCR) for Comparative LCAs from Resource Extraction to Magnet Production
Neda Bahremandi, Research Fellow, Rare Earth Industry Association (REIA)

PO170: A data portal for download and analysis of public MetOcean data
Pierre Swiegers, Senior Metocean Engineer, DHI A/S

PO171: New CFD calibration methodology for wind resource assessment in highly forested area
Edouard Leonard, Senior Wind Engineer, Meteodyn
PO172: Extreme wind conditions over North Atlantic basin using synthetic hurricane tracks.
Eloïse Merlaud, Metocean Engineer, DHI A/S
PO174: GIS-based holistic cost modelling for layout optimization of offshore wind farms
Asier Vazquez Clemente, Siting Solutions Engineer, Vestas

PO175: Resource Potential of Airborne Wind Energy - combining simulations with the assessment of suitable sites and real performance data
Kristian Petrick, Secretary General, Airborne Wind Europe

PO179: Cup anemometer calibration analysis across anemometer models and wind tunnels.
Isolde Byrne, Junior Energy Analyst, Mainstream Renewable Power

PO180: FLS200 Uncertainty Budget
Sandra Coll-Vinent Wappenhans, Data Scientist, Eolos Floating Lidar Solutions

PO181: IEC 61400-50-3 - compliant wind speed measurements with a ZX TM nacelle-mounted lidar: A case study in uncertainty analysis
John Medley, Head of Data and Insights, ZX Lidars

PO183: Are stand-alone ground-based lidars ready for complex terrain?
Laura Valldecabres, Wind Resource Specialist, Enel Green Power

PO184: WindCal2: A new way of calibrating wind sensors
Paula Gómez, Head of section Testing and Calibration, DTU

PO185: How to use dual scanning lidars for site condition assessment in Japan
Atsushi Yoshimura, Manager, Green Power Investment
PO187: Data-driven approach to the design and implementation of retrofit lidar assisted control
Chris Slinger, Senior Scientist, ZX Lidars

PO188: Validation of a whitebox method to assess dual scanning lidar measurement uncertainty
Dominic Champneys, Wind Energy Application Research Engineer, Vaisala
PO189: White box calibration of ground based lidars
Jochen Cleve, Wind Energy Analyst, Ørsted

PO190: An Onshore Deployment of Advanced Dual-Doppler Radar for Wind Energy Applications
Brian Hirth, Research Professor, Texas Tech University
PO191: Accuracy of the inflow measurements based on the nacelle sensors on an intentionally misaligned wind turbine
Paul Hulsman, Scientific Researcher/ PhD Candidate, ForWind - Center for Wind Energy Research

PO195: Long Term Wind Speed estimated with Machine Learning
Ana Talayero, Leader of Wind Energy Team, Fundación CIRCE

PO196: Applying motion compensation to floating wind lidar reconstructed wind measurements
Cristina Benzo, Data Science and Application Engineer, Vaisala
PO199: Towards the ultimate wind time series
Marta Gil Bardaji, Director of Research, Vortex FdC

PO200: T-RIX A new criteria to classify orographic complexity for wind energy yield assessment
Martin Richter-Rose, Senior Wind & Site Assessment, PAVANA GmbH

PO203: Unraveling wind maps horizontal resolution
Jon López de Maturana Echevarria, Head of Wind & Site, Statkraft

PO204: Improving the vertical extrapolation of mesoscale dataset using LiDAR measurements
Jim Van himbeeck, Project Engineer, Tractebel

PO205: Site specific CFD fine tuning of forest and thermal effects & comparison with other flow models.
Giorgio Crasto, Senior Engineer at the Technology Excellence Tools of the Wind-CoE, Enel Green Power

PO206: Gap Filling of Measured Wind Speed Data using Machine Learning Approach
Zia ul Rehman Tahir, Professor, Associate, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan, Pakistan

PO207: Train2Wind - Lollex and other results
Gregor Giebel, Senior Scientist, DTU

PO208: Site-specific offshore turbulence intensity (TI) to reduce design loads
Pedro Santos, Senior Engineer, DHI A/S

PO210: Wake model validation and calibration based on 10-minute average SCADA data - considering atmospheric stability
Ottelien Bossuyt, Project Manager - Onshore Renewables, Tractebel

PO215: Wind data analysis for comparing the turbulence intensity between F. LiDAR and cup anemometer
Yunji Hwang, Associate Director, KREDO Offshore

PO217: POSTER AWARD WINNER - Wind resource assessment: how to include Climate Change impact on wind farm development
Luca Bortolotti, Wind Energy Engineer, ENI Plenitude
PO218: Achieving bankability with LiDAR stand-alone - A common practice in Germany
Annika Baltzer, Expert Wind & Site Assessment, PAVANA GmbH

PO221: Influence of wind gusts on aeroelastic loads of NREL 5MW wind turbine.
Neera Paul Manelil, Senior Research Associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES

PO222: Aerodynamic performance of leading edge protection over lifetime
Arturo Muñoz-Simón, Aerodynamic Engineer, LM Wind Power
PO223: Advanced Polyurethane Solutions for Economical Blade Manufacturing and Recycling
Dirk Soontjens , Global Wind Segment Leader Wind, Covestro

PO224: Large Scale Loop Thermosyphons for Fully Passive Cooling of Wind Turbines
Devin Pellicone, Engineering Manager, Product Development, Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc

PO225: New pump concept for minimized maintenance efforts
Johannes Lintzmeyer, Application Engineer, KSB SE & Co. KGaA

PO226: Wind turbine generator step up transformers: technology and lifetime modelling review
Arsim Ahmedi, Electrical Engineer R&D Wind, TotalEnergies

Nestor Ajuria, Global Renewable Energy Manager, Ormazabal

PO228: Unlocking value in the supply chain: how standardization has optimized our electrical engineering business and provided added benefit to customers
Torben Larsen, Chief Operations Officer, Scanel Green Energy

PO229: How Finite Elements Method and other simulation tools support the advance design optimization and help to predict test validation performance in dry-type transformers for wind turbine application
Lorena Cebrián, R&D Technical Project Management. Dry-type transformers, Hitachi Energy

PO230: Unified Modeling and Simulation to Optimize Wind Turbine Rotor Blade
Margarita Riera, M&O Industry Expert , Dassault Systemes

PO231: Full scale testing of fatigue resistant composite joints for offshore wind Jacket and Floating structures
Marko Pavlovic, Assistant Professor, TU Delft

PO234: Solving energy challenges by improving industrialization processes for complex offshore wind foundations
Kristian Mikalsen, VP & Head of Business Development Offshore Wind, Aker Solutions

PO237: Designing Large Segmented Flexible Conical Plain Bearings as Wind Turbine Main Bearings
Timm Jakobs, Research Scientist, Chair for Wind Power Drives

PO238: POSTER AWARD WINNER - Wind Inertia-Driven Excitation Reduction (WIDER): an innovative way to mitigate 3P loads on wind turbines
Frédéric Gentil, R&D Engineer - Scientific & Technical Advisor, TotalEnergies

PO239: Assessment of the impact of raw material rising costs in wind turbines price
Andressa Santiso, Head in Offshore Wind at the Creation Research Group, Creation Research Group (UFRN)

PO241: MAREWIND, solutions for cost reduction and improvement of the service life of offshore wind farms.
Marta Mateo, EU project Coordinator, LUREDERRA TECHNOLOGICAL CENTER

PO242: Linking the microstructure with strain-life curves for improved utilization of the lightweight potential of thick-walled nodular cast iron
Christian Pittel, Research Associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability LBF

PO243: Cantilever test bench for characterization of blade shape sensing solutions
António Vaz, Fiber Optics Expert, Fibersail

PO244: Methodology to assess scour development around complex structures
Javier Sarmiento, Senior Engineer, IHCantabria - Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de la Universidad de Cantabria, Spain

PO247: Wind turbine control interaction with pitch system faults
Aron Pujana-Arrese, Head of Control and Monitoring, Ikerlan
PO248: Innovative bonded fasteners for cost effective and ecological construction of wind turbines
Jean-Philippe Court, President and Founder, COLD PAD

PO249: Fibre Optic Electrical and Mechanical Condition Assessment of Subsea Cables
Chris Minto, Director, Indeximate Ltd

PO250: Risk monitoring of submarine export cables in the UK
Sophie Martin, Geoscientist, Geo-4D

PO251: Integrating UAV and Land-Based Surveys to Characterise Submarine Cable Landfalls
Chris Brennan, Senior Geoscientist, Geo-4D
PO252: Drilling solutions for offshore wind foundations and export cable landfalls
Marc Peters, Head of Business Division Energy, Herrenknecht AG

PO253: EMRED Joint Industry Project - Monitoring and reporting of GHG emissions for the wind installation industry
Harald Mundal, Consultant Shipping Advisory, DNV

PO255: Value-added strategies for lubrication 4.0
Bruno Pilotti, Applications Engineer, Atten2 Deep monitoring Solutions

PO257: Impact of the sideway active tower damper on the lifetime consumption of an offshore wind turbine support structure
Jef Van Valckenborgh, WTG Asset Performance Engineer, Parkwind

PO259: A Comparative Study: Pre-whitening for Informative Kurtogram based Preprocessing in Bearing Fault Diagnosis using Convolutional Neural Networks
Atabak Mostafavi, Researcher, Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability LBF

PO261: Remote Breaker Monitoring to Optimize the Maintenance of Off-Shore High Voltage Assets
Stephan Sehestedt, Lead Software Architect, Hitachi Energy

PO262: LASSIE – Lightning Surveillance Service
MIlle Klintø, Sales Director, Wind Power LAB

PO263: Deployment of Machine Learning algorithms with Human-In-The-Loop for reliability focused maintenance predictions
Dirk Oehlmann, Business Development Manager Cloud Solutions, GreenPowerMonitor

PO264: In Pursuit of Data Accuracy: Addressing North Offset in Wind Turbines SCADA data
Julien Tissot, Head of Innovation, i4SEE TECH GmbH

PO267: Real-time Structural Integrity Management with Digital Twins
Rasmus Høegh, Structural Engineer, Vattenfall

PO269: Optimizing energy production - how wake steering wind farm control can be a game changer?
Cyrille Huant, Project Manager, UL Solutions

PO270: Real-world examples of uncovering performance losses with the use of high-frequency SCADA data
Zuri Zugasti, Sr. Technical Leader, WindESCo

PO271: Blade inspections with drones - can a simple photography calculation method improve the reliability of damage diagnosis?
Michel Greiner, Expert Systems Engineering, Omexom Renewable Energies Offshore GmbH

PO277: Building bridges for sustainable decommissioning: Collaborative efforts in Belgium's offshore wind sector
Rebecca Verhaeghe, Project Manager Blue Energy, POM West Flanders

PO278: Open retrofit turbine controller solutions to support successful wind turbine lifetime extension and improved performance
Jose Manuel Alonso Huerta, Key Account and Business Development Manager, DEIF A/S

PO280: Absolute analysis of the Rear Frame of 2.0 MW Wind Turbines: Dynamic and Fatigue analysis of the component
Adrián López, Lead Life Extension Engineer, Nabla Wind Hub

PO281: Conditions for nature friendly and circular decommissioning
Marjolein Kelder, Senior Project Manager Offshore Wind & The Rich North Sea Program, Natuur & Milieu

PO282: Energy assessment of wind farm repowering: use of wind farm postconstruction vs preconstruction met masts
Nurseda Yildirium Yurusen, Project Engineer- Asset & Sustainability Performance, UL Solutions

PO283: Evolutionary methodology for the lifetime-extension and repowering of wind turbine components
Arkaitz Lopez Jauregui, Research Engineer, Laulagun Bearings

PO284: Safety and risk assessment the renewable energy sector
Marcel Katekawa, Engineer, Universidade de Sao Paulo

PO285: How to Influence Human Behavior in the Wind Industry
Mark Metzger, Safety, Performance and Leadership Coach, CAVU International

PO287: Partnering to produce one of the world's largest and safest wind turbines on the market: How the Sentric Safety Group contributed to a complete and globally compliant wind turbine interlocking solution for ultimate on-site safety.
Mélissa Djarmouni-Vallet, EMEA - Energy Sales Manager, Sentric Safety Group

PO288: Fast modelling of long term hindcast wave conditions and extremes
Pierre Swiegers, Senior Metocean Engineer, DHI A/S

PO289: Main logistics challenges and the use of innovation in the offshore wind operations
Monalisa Godeiro, Senior Reseacher/Head of Ports, Creation Research Group (UFRN)

PO290: A call for standardization of sea fastening interfaces: The potential of life extension and reusing steel structures
Quentin Meissonnier, Head of Project Engineering, Cadeler A/S

PO292: How innovative welding technology can speed up the wind tower manufacturing process eightfold
Christian Brunner-Schwer, Team Lead WeldNova Project, WeldNova GmbH / Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung BAM
PO293: Wave forecast six weeks ahead in time optimises vessel crew planning
Simon Jacobsen, Meteorologist, DHI A/S

PO294: Optimizing FOW operations: An O&M vessel for FOW major component replacement
Elvire Chollet, VIMFLO Project Manager, Technip Energies
PO295: Condition monitoring: Balancing cost, quality, and automation to reduce LCOE.
Benjamin Bhabra, Product Owner, Onyx Insight

Marco Novello, Technology and Innovation Manager, Saipem

PO299: Field demonstration of fiber-optical Sensors for Wind Turbine Gearboxes to improve Monitoring & Reliability
Georgo Angelis, Chief Executive Officer, Sensing360 B.V.

PO301: Offshore field experimentation for novel hybrid condition monitoring approaches
Cédric Peeters, Post-Doc, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Letícia Soares Teixeira de Souza, Researcher, Creation Research Group (UFRN)

PO304: Yaw and pitch misalignment detection based on shape sensing technology
João Pacheco, Head of Data Analasys, Fibersail

PO306: Lightning protection system inspection by drone
Christopher Udell, Head of Business Development, Voliro AG

PO307: The Windcatcher: an alternative approach to floating offshore wind operations & maintenance utilizing multi-rotor technology
Ørjan Fredriksen, Vice President Global Design, Wind Catching Systems AS

PO308: Oil Condition Monitoring techniques for life extension and life management in onshore and offshore Wind Turbines
Ignacio Romero-Sanz, Global Technical Practice Lead - Wind Engineering, BUREAU VERITAS

PO309: NeWindEERA - A new research programme for the European wind energy sector
Paul McKeever, Head of Electrical Research, ORE Catapult

PO310: Optimization of logistical resources for operations and maintenance of an offshore wind farm
lvaro Rodríguez-Luis, Project Technician, IHCantabria - Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de la Universidad de Cantabria, Spain

PO311: How to reach a tolerable risk for human on windfarms using Thunderstorms warning systems?
Stéphane Schmitt, Expert in lightning detection, METEORAGE
PO312: Explainable Artificial Intelligence Techniques for optimizing wind farm Operation & Maintenance
Ludovico Terzi, Technical Performance and Analysis Manager, Engie

PO313: How to extend the useful life of a wind farm by implementing new operating strategies
Enrique Martinez , Project Manager, UL Solutions

PO314: Obsolescence management in onshore windpower - criticality assessment and mitigation approaches
Dana Holstein, Product Manager eCommerce, ENERCON

PO315: Installation of a Flight Test Center for Airborne Wind Energy Systems on La Gomera (Spain)
Agustin Arjonilla, Senior Consultant, CT Ingenieros

PO316: Worldwide solution for Ports and Offshore Wind Industry: MOP- ALFOWT a Modular Floating Offshore Platform
Sandrine Bethmont, Business development for Ports and Marine Activities, setec tpi

PO317: Characterization of a port infrastructure to support the offshore wind and green hydrogen sectors
Monalisa Godeiro, Senior Reseacher/Head of Ports, Creation Research Group (UFRN)

PO318: POSTER AWARD WINNER - Saline resistant weathering steel for saline applications
Krista Van den Bergh, Senior Project Engineer, ArcelorMittal Global R&D Gent

PO319: GWO Instructor Qualification Framework
Thomas Grønlund, Senior Training Project Manager, Global Wind Organisation (GWO)

PO320: The Reef | Training Lab Blue Energyfor offshore wind employees using immersive technologies
Laure Martroye, Project Manager Blue Economy, POM West Flanders

PO321: Offshore wind workforce shortage mitigation measures
Andressa Santiso, Head in Offshore Wind at the Creation Research Group, Creation Research Group (UFRN)

PO322: Mobilising Potential with Skills
Chris Tyler, Director, Reward Solutions - EMEA Energy & Commodities, Aon

PO323: Experimental Development and Field Validation of Rock Anchors for Sustainable Onshore Foundations
Jan Suchorzewski, Director for Material Design, Dep. Infrastructure and Concrete Technology, RISE, Research Institutes of Sweden

PO324: Offshore 690 MPa heavy gauge steel plates with low carbon footprint required in modern wind turbine installation vessels
David Quidort, Product Development & Support, ArcelorMittal

PO325: Seares technology: next level mooring for floating offshore wind
Giorgio Cucè, CEO and Founder, Seares Srl

PO326: Characterization of Seasonal Lightning Exposure of two Onshore Wind Parks and Distribution of Lightning Physical Parameters Measured in the Wind Turbines
Javier López, Team Manager - Advanced Engineering and Simulation, Polytech

PO327: Chilling challenges: cutting-edge rime ice testing in the wind energy sector
Bram Cloet, Senior Engineer Energy Transition, Sirris