Presenters and Speakers - WindEurope Annual Event 2024

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Presenters and Speakers

Mario Gonzalez

Researcher, Creation Research Group (UFRN)


Graduated in Industrial Engineering from the National University of Engineering in Peru, specialist in Management of Technological Innovation, Open Innovation approach, master and PhD in Production Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos. Research topics: Product and process innovation in wind and solar power chains. He has published articles with the themes: Open innovation applied in the wind energy supply chain; Impacts for the implementation of wind farms; Technological prospecting for wind power generation; Management of projects in the construction of wind farms and Technological prospecting for photovoltaic cells. Prof. Dr. González is the current editor of Product Journal of the Brazilian Institute for Innovation and Product Development Management and leader of the Cri-Ação (Creation) research group at UFRN (which discusses creativity for product and process innovation applied to wind and solar energy supply chains).


  • Offshore wind power, green hydrogen and green steel production: a technical, economic and market analysis
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WindEurope Annual Event 2024