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Energy Engineer MSc, MA, MBA, University of West Attica
Konstantinos Gkarakis graduated as Energy Engineer from the University of West Attica (ex-TEI Athens) and has Master Science in Energy from Heriot Watt University in Scotland, MSc in Energy: Strategy, Law and Economics and MBA in University of Nicosia, Cyprus. His employment experience included the Umweltkontor Hellas, WRE Energy, Acciona Energiaki, Elica (Copelouzos - Samaras Group of Companies), AirEnergy, Intracom Constructions. His special fields of interest include wind resource - energy estimations in wind energy projects and wind energy plants development. Now, he is free-lancer wind engineer and wind energy expert for the control of wind measurement laboratories in Hellenic Accreditation System S.A. Also, he is scientific associate in RES Lab, Mechanical Engineering Department, in University of West Attica and visitor lecturer at Postgraduate programs of University of West Attica and at the Essex University. Since 2015 he is reviewer in Renewable Energy Journal.Posters
- Rotor blades reuse in Greece - Innovative applications