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PO276: Leveraging the power of informal networks in high-growth renewable businesses to develop, construct, operate and maintain renewable portfolios at scale, safely, effectively and efficiently.
Khalida Suleymanova, Chief Implementation Officer, ARMSA Academy
In the ever-evolving landscape of renewable energy, human decision-making stands as the bedrock of organisational and operational performance. Surprisingly, the realm of strategic, tactical, and operational decision-making in high-growth renewable businesses has remained largely unexplored, escaping the radar of industry bodies. This knowledge gap hides a crucial factor that directly influences the ability of the renewable industry to scale. With a forecasted CAGR of 15%, dynamic renewable organisations are expected to rely on formal management systems for making pivotal decisions. Yet, behind the scenes, it is the informal networks of internal consultation, collaboration, and discussion that have greater influence over outcomes. As such, the fate of these businesses hangs precariously on the shoulders of their networked personnel - their competencies, capabilities, and experiences. Important sector growth factors bring the efficacy of this approach into question: the sector's rapid expansion attracts new talent, sometimes unequipped with the necessary experience. Personnel churn destabilises established internal networks, therefore amplifying decision-making uncertainty. Personnel training concentrates solely on technical knowledge, neglecting non-technical decision-making capabilities. Lastly, the sector's technological innovation brings unforeseen risks into play. While growing operational demands need to be met, the capacity of organisations to deliver projects profitably, sustainably, and safely lags behind. Failure to address this discrepancy exposes businesses to perilous consequences, with potential impacts on both people and assets. As the industry directs substantial investments towards technological advancements, human capabilities remain stuck in the quagmire of traditional learning and personnel development, deemed insufficient in today's dynamic landscape. In this work, we present an empirical study evaluating the safety and performance impacts of maintaining the status quo within renewable businesses. We compare this with a data-driven, front-end-loaded decision-making approach across construction and operational projects whilst demonstrating how organisational learning emerges as the new strategic advantage and lever to rapid business scaling.