Posters - WindEurope Annual Event 2024

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We would like to invite you to come and see the posters at our upcoming conference. The posters will showcase a diverse range of research topics, and will give delegates an opportunity to engage with the authors and learn more about their work. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or simply curious about the latest developments in your field, we believe that the posters will offer something of interest to everyone. So please join us at the conference and take advantage of this opportunity to learn and engage with your peers in the academic community. We look forward to seeing you there!

PO203: Unraveling wind maps horizontal resolution

Jon López de Maturana Echevarria, Head of Wind & Site, Statkraft


Nowadays, there is an increased demand on the use of Wind Atlas and high-resolution wind resource grids by Wind Project Developers. A merit order analysis of a vast pipeline of projects requires coherency between the different wind map tiles to correctly rank these sites. Additionally, a certain level of accuracy is needed to properly determine the wind energy potential at these same locations. Several companies provide wind resource data, many of them based on the WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) mesoscale model, with diverse horizontal resolutions and for areas ranging from couple of square kilometers to thousands of square kilometers. Furthermore, a prevailing trend among more experienced developers is to run WRF in-house and fine-tune the model output with onsite measurements and meteorological ad-hoc adjustments. The challenge is to obtain high horizontal resolution maps for very large areas and/or long-term representative periods without incurring excessive costs. This raises questions for the Wind Community: Does higher horizontal resolution always provide the most accurate results? Where is the trade-off between computational cost and accuracy? The analysis is focused on five different sites with reliable onsite measurements. The primary goal is to provide a comprehensive overview of the relationship between computational cost and accuracy for different horizontal resolutions. The aim is to identify the potential threshold at which the computational cost increases significantly compared to the gain in accuracy. It is important to note that while model performance is determined at measurement points, the spatial variability of the generated wind resource maps across the planned project areas is also examined. This final aspect is crucial for understanding whether maps of different resolutions could also be utilized for layout optimization purposes.

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WindEurope Annual Event 2024