Presenters and Speakers - WindEurope Annual Event 2024

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Presenters and Speakers

MIlle Klintø

Sales Director, Wind Power LAB


Mr. Handberg has more than 10 years of experience from the international wind power industry where he has obtained profound knowledge of complex aspects of wind turbine blades, i.e. blade defect causes, consequences, and development risks. Mr. Handberg specialises in blade defect and integrity assessment, blade defect risk assessment, blade repair method assessment and recommendation, and blade defect root cause analysis. Mr. Handberg also has on-site experience and expertise in inspecting wind turbine blades (internally and externally) and checking blade damage after structural tests. Mr. Handberg has worked as Project Lead and Blade Expert on numerous projects covering production of new blade prototypes, qualification of new improved inspection, repair methods, large-scale offshore repair campaigns, definition of quality specification, repair scopes, and review and validation of repair methods and instructions. Mr. Handberg has conducted blade defect and integrity assessment of 1,000+ wind turbines and prepared End of Warranty claim recommendations.


  • LASSIE – Lightning Surveillance Service
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WindEurope Annual Event 2024