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PO156: Development of green hydrogen market: a guideline to policy makers
Jéssica Rayany Rodrigues Silva, Reseacher, Creation Research Group (UFRN)
In a context where options for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are limited, green hydrogen (GH2) has emerged as a central pillar for global decarbonization, as it can address sectors facing emission reduction challenges while offering versatile applications. Additionally, access to hydrogen is recognized as a crucial factor for energy security and national resilience. In this context, the question research arises: "What should be the strategic guidelines for developing the GH2 market in countries with high renewable energy potential?". To address this question, the study aim to propose guidelines for fostering the GH2 market in countries with substantial renewable energy potential. The research was conducted in three stages: i) Theoretical research, involving an exploratory literature review and a Systematic Literature Review on the GH2 market and its regulatory framework. ii) A case study and cross-case analysis of development strategies in pioneering countries, such as the United Kingdom, Australia, the Netherlands, and Chile. iii) The formulation of guidelines for developing the GH2 market in countries boasting high renewable energy potential. As a result, to ensure the consistent and competitive development of the GH2 market, careful planning and action in key areas. For this , seventeen guidelines were identified and categorized into five dimensions: Regulation, Market, Infrastructure, Workforce, and Research & Development (R&D). These suggested guidelines are applicable to any country aspiring to develop the GH2 market, promising not only to facilitate its growth but also to contribute significantly to energy security and national resilience.