Presenters and Speakers - WindEurope Annual Event 2024

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Presenters and Speakers

Ottelien Bossuyt

Project Manager - Onshore Renewables, Tractebel


Ottelien Bossuyt graduated as a Thermo-Mechanical Energy Engineer from KU Leuven. Afterwards, she specialized in wind energy at TU Delft and Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU). After graduating from the European Wind Energy Master (Rotor Design - Aerodynamics), she joined Tractebel's Renewables team. At Tractebel, Ottelien has been involved for over 5 years as a Project Engineer/Manager in the development of Belgian wind farm projects including screenings, permitting, environmental impact, energy yield assessments and wind resource assessments. She is also involved in the contractual negotiations and Owner's Engineering services in the final development of the projects. Ottelien participated in several Wind Resource and Energy Yield Assessment studies, which is also her research field of interest.


  • Wake model validation and calibration based on 10-minute average SCADA data - considering atmospheric stability
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WindEurope Annual Event 2024