Presenters and Speakers - WindEurope Annual Event 2024

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Presenters and Speakers

Dimitri Foussekis

Research Engineer, C.R.E.S.


Dr Dimitri Foussekis studied Physics in (Athens, Greece) and holds a PhD in Fluid Mechanics (Marseille, France). He is a highly-experienced wind resource analyst and member of the MEASNET Expert Group "Evaluation of Site-Specific Wind Conditions". He is also a Remote Sensing specialist and has been involved from the early steps of LIDARs, in the application of this technology in complex terrain areas, performing numerous measurement campaigns for wind farm developers. As a Senior Scientist at CRES (25+ years) he has been scientific responsible, for various European Research projects and has 50+ publications in various Journals and Conferences.


  • A novel solution for Power Curve Verification of floating Wind Turbines
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WindEurope Annual Event 2024