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PO225: New pump concept for minimized maintenance efforts
Johannes Lintzmeyer, Application Engineer, KSB SE & Co. KGaA
KSB, a German based global supplier of centrifugal pumps, is taking a new approach in cooling power electronics for wind turbines. With a new pump concept, maintenance-costs and -efforts are minimized while at the same time increasing system availability. Decades of experience in the field of converter cooling in rail vehicles helped to understand the requirements of wind power application and to realize the targeted implementation. Instead of the mechanical seals commonly used up to now, KSB is instead focusing on the seal-less concept of canned motor pumps. The design of these pumps without rolling bearings enables continuous operation for up to 30 years without the need for dismantling. A monitoring concept adapted to the possibilities in the turbine guarantee the long-term operational reliability of the pump - even offshore. The advantages of these cooling concepts are clearly visible: The absence of rolling bearings and mechanical seals, as well as the use of a motor that is almost independent of the ambient conditions, simplify the pump to an absolute minimum and thus reduce potential sources of error.