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Assistant Professor, TU Delft
Dr. Marko Pavlovic is assistant professor at Steel and Composite Structures group at TU Delft and the main inventor and leader of the knowledge development on wrapped composite joints. Aim at creating new knowledge for implementing Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composite materials in structures. Leading group of 9 researches at TU Delft focusing on experimental and numerical research in filed of FRP composite structures, materials and components. PhD in Civil Engineering University of Belgrade. Post-Doc at Lulea in Sweden focusing on steel and composites structures for wind turbine support in structures. Member of CEN TC/250 WG4 - development of Eurocode for FRP structures; Member of Bouwen met Staal TC23 - committee on joints between FRP and steel structural members;Presentations
- Full scale testing of fatigue resistant composite joints for offshore wind Jacket and Floating structures