Presenters and Speakers
ProceedingsProgrammeSpeakersPostersContent PartnersPowering the FutureMarkets TheatreResearch & Innovation in actionStudent programmePresenters dashboardChris Minto

Director, Indeximate Ltd
Chris has been working in the application of acoustics for the last 30 years and is currently co-founder and co-director of Indeximate Ltd, a startup organisation dedicated to preventing failure of subsea cables. Chris and his colleagues have worked at the forefront of fibre optic sensing for the last 15 years, pioneering the use for cable failure identification. Armed with the knowledge of how cables behave we used this to setup Indeximate Ltd to remotely assess the integrity of cables and their environment and provide risk intelligence to export and array cable asset owners and operators.Presentations
- Fibre Optic Electrical and Mechanical Condition Assessment of Subsea Cables