Presenters and Speakers - WindEurope Annual Event 2024

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Presenters and Speakers

Marios Stanitsas

Power Originator, ABO Wind


Dr. Marios Stanitsas holds a PhD on Sustainable Project Management. He is specialized and conducts research mainly in Energy related topics. He is working as a Power Originator at ABO Wind while he maintains close cooperation with the Sector of Industrial Management and Operational Research of the National Technical University of Athens (Greece). Apart from the origination and academia, he has delivered in-house lectures to middle and senior management staff and has worked as a power trader. He has been involved in research and business projects, related to his interests and he has a series of published research in international scientific conferences and journals. His main professional goal is to diffuse Energy related disciplines in Greece and Europe, as well as inspire people to enter this field, not only in order to achieve business but also their personal goals.


  • Empowering communities and engaging stakeholders: The significance of participation in hybrid renewable energy power purchase agreements (PPAs)
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WindEurope Annual Event 2024