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PO188: Validation of a whitebox method to assess dual scanning lidar measurement uncertainty
Dominic Champneys, Wind Energy Application Research Engineer, Vaisala
Dual scanning lidar (DSL) has become a popular choice of measurement technology for offshore wind resource assessments (WRAs) where they can be placed in range of the measurement location. The advantages of the technology include cost effectiveness compared to traditional alternatives, low uncertainty horizonal wind speed measurements and the ability to measure turbulence. The inherent flexibility of scanning lidars emphasises the need for standardisation and, to this end, DNV and Vaisala have collaborated to write guidelines on the use of DSL for WRAs. These guidelines include recommendations for each stage of a WRA project including campaign planning, lidar pre-verification, installation, monitoring and data processing. Also included in these guidelines is a whitebox method for the assessment of DSL measurement uncertainty. This is important as the measurement configuration of the specific campaign cannot always be replicated at the verification site for a blackbox verification. Although this method is based on works which are themselves validated, there is no published validation of the complete, integrated procedure. This work uses real data where DSLs measured next to a reference mounted on a met-mast. The guidelines are followed to quantify the line-of-sight (LOS) wind speed and beam pointing angle uncertainties which are then used in the whitebox method to calculate the 10-minute mean horizontal wind speed and wind direction uncertainties. This is then compared to the results of a blackbox comparison between reconstructed horizontal wind speed measurements and the measurements of the met-mast mounted anemometry. The uncertainties obtained through the blackbox and whitebox method were comparable suggesting that the whitebox method is valid.