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PO018: Advanced Simulation of a NDT workstation included in a Digital Twin jackets nodes manufacturing line
Adolfo Lamas Rodríguez, Project Manager, Navantia S.A
Offshore wind energy holds very high expectations regarding both installed capacity and planned investments in the medium and long-term. Nowadays, it faces significant challenges because its elevated costs lead to a high degree of uncertainty, so the improvement in the construction and manufacturing of offshore wind turbine support structures is essential to increase the efficiency of the processes. In this context, the inclusion of disruptive technologies is essential for fabrication improvement and resource optimisation. Likewise, incorporating ergonomics approach early in product development not only reduces the risk of injury and discomfort, but also enhance user performance and overall production cost. In this paper, we propose a methodology to promote process sustainability analysing the musculoskeletal risks of a Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) cell for jacket nodes using Phased Array Ultrasonic Technology (PAUT) and its robotisation to accomplish with the demanding takt-time. These results will be reflected in the Process Digital Twin of a jackets nodes manufacturing line located at Navantia Fene shipyard facilities.