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PO226: Wind turbine generator step up transformers: technology and lifetime modelling review
Arsim Ahmedi, Electrical Engineer R&D Wind, TotalEnergies
Wind turbine transformers are one of the essential electrical components enabling the integration of power generated from wind turbines. Thermal modelling of power transformers is a crucial consideration in both the design and operational stages. In this paper first the technology applied in wind turbine power transformers is reviewed. Afterwards, a widely accepted transformer thermal model is applied for simulating the hotspot temperature of an oil-filled wind turbine transformer. Furthermore the aging rate and total aging for a period of one year are evaluated. The thermal model considers operational aspects of the wind turbine generator, the wind speed input profile, as well as the ambient temperature. Two transformers with different sets of design parameters have been considered: one an IEC standard transformer, and one a real test 18MVA transformer whose thermal parameters have been extracted from its type test certificate. A comparison of the ageing rate between the 18MVA transformer and the IEC reference transformer considering ambient temperature for same loading and wind profile has been undertaken. The used ambient temperature data consists of daily average, daily maximum, and daily minimum values; a sensitivity analysis of ageing results related to each of these values has also been undertaken. From the calculations and simulation in this paper it is observed that the WT transformer is unlikely to encounter issues related only to paper insulation thermal ageing. This is likely due to the low average yearly loading that such a transformer is exposed to, relative to its rated loading. However, there are other aspects such as highly variable loading that may not be accounted for in the dominant ageing and failure mechanism, which could trigger failures. Thus, more detailed modelling and consideration of other failure mechanisms are required.