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PO168: Data Exchange in the Forthcoming IEC 61400-15-2 Standard
Mouhamet Diallo, Wind Expert, Tractebel
The new IEC 61400-15 wind energy standard will define a framework for assessment and reporting of the wind resource, energy yield and site suitability input. This standard is working to align language and definition of wind resource parameters and methods. This should yield improved comparability and reproducibility of results for financial stakeholders. This work represents the collaboration of a large collection of wind energy entities spanning all sectors of the industry and from across the globe. The authors wish to present to the audience an overview of recent work on this new standard, in particular relating to proposals for a DEF (digital exchange format) as well as a general status update and details of the forthcoming final document. Two standards documents are being released: site suitability document IEC 64100-15-1, which is available now, and the energy yield document IEC 61400-15-2, which is the subject of this presentation, which will follow imminently.[CJ1] The DEF builds on the standardisation developed for the written energy yield assessment report, using a hierarchical data model in the form of a JSON Schema to capture key report content in a form suitable for automated data exchange. This will allow energy yield assessment data to flow between different software systems at different organisations directly, removing the need to manually extract data from a written report document (e.g. key results tables). The DEF mainly focuses on report content that is typically presented in tables, and is complementary to the narrative of the energy yield assessment presented in the written report.