Presenters and Speakers - WindEurope Annual Event 2024

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Presenters and Speakers

Koen Boorsma

Researcher, TNO


Dr. Boorsma has been working in the wind industry for over 15 years. He is currently a senior researcher at TNO Institute of Applied Physics, Unit Energy and Material Transition. He studied aeronautical engineering at TU-Delft and obtained his PhD in aeroacoustics at the University of Southamption. After his studies he spent 10 years at the wind Energy department of the Energy Research Center of the Netherlands, which was merged with TNO in 2018. He has been active in coordinating and research roles and has been involved in variety of projects with national, EU and worldwide collaboration. His research is focused on numerical and experimental wind turbine rotor aerodyanmics and acoustics. He is coordinating IEA Wind Task 47 on wind turbine aerodynamics, which has facilitated international model validation exercises against wind tunnel and field data over decades.


  • POSTER AWARD WINNER - Boosting wind farm efficiency: Application of blade turbulators
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WindEurope Annual Event 2024