Presenters and Speakers
ProceedingsProgrammeSpeakersPostersContent PartnersPowering the FutureMarkets TheatreResearch & Innovation in actionStudent programmePresenters dashboardAndressa Santiso
Head in Offshore Wind at the Creation Research Group, Creation Research Group (UFRN)
Andressa is a wind energy specialist with over 8 years of experience, with 6 years dedicated to offshore wind. With an Msc in Industrial Engineering, Andressa developed several research studies in collaboration with companies such as Petrobras, MCTI (Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation) and Rio Grande do Norte State Government. She participated as a consultant in the Brazil Energy Program (BEP), funded by the UK Government's Prosperity Fund, in studies on assessment of port infrastructure, transmission lines, PPP options and potential for horizontal linkages; social, economic and environmental impact assessment; and development of the offshore wind value and innovation chain in Brazil. In addition, she participated in technical missions to Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, and United Kingdom, gathering information in technical visits in offshore wind companies, ports, government entities and wind energy events. Developed thesis on offshore wind regulation and development of the offshore wind value chain in Brazil.Posters
- Assessment of the impact of raw material rising costs in wind turbines price
- Offshore wind workforce shortage mitigation measures