Presenters and Speakers - WindEurope Annual Event 2024

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Presenters and Speakers

Ronan Pastol

Wind Energy Consultant, Syneria


Ronan Pastol is an energy engineer with 7 years of experience in wind energy yield assessment and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applied to constraint analysis and wind site identification. His exposure reached more than 1.5 GW of wind projects in France. Ronan started at Valeco as an R&D engineer (2016, in France) before joining P&T Technologie (2017-2020, in France) as project development manager for 5 wind projects (100MW). His duties encompassed the wind site identification and selection, the management of various environmental experts and of the relationship with public authorities. He was in charge of the wind measurement campaign and energy yield assessment on more than 300MW of wind projects. Ronan joined Syneria in 2020 as GIS and Wind energy yield expert and performs bankable wind energy yield assessments, GIS analysis on early-stage pipelines, and wind turbine inspections before taking-over.


  • Comparison of several reference sources and methodologies to model potential production during SCADA wind farm unavailability periods
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WindEurope Annual Event 2024