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Engineering Manager, Product Development, Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc
Devin Pellicone is the Engineering Manager of Vaporization and Refrigeration product development group at Advanced Cooling Technologies in Lancaster, PA. He has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Temple University and an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Villanova University. He has over 12 years of experience designing and building both passive and active two-phase cooling systems for a wide range of applications. Specifically, he has led two-phase cooling programs ranging in power from 100 Watts to 100 kW for industries like high performance computing and power electronics cooling. Devin has several patents pending that are related to two-phase cooling products and he has authored or co-authored numerous conference and journal papers on the topic.Posters
- Large Scale Loop Thermosyphons for Fully Passive Cooling of Wind Turbines