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PO255: Value-added strategies for lubrication 4.0
Bruno Pilotti, Applications Engineer, Atten2 Deep monitoring Solutions
Industry 4.0 is a current paradigm. Assets are being digitized, and maintenance is evolving towards 4.0. The digitization of wind turbines has led to a strong interest in detailed condition monitoring during their lifetime, using different on-line condition monitoring techniques. Online lubricant monitoring can be widely deployed to provide early fault diagnosis to improve reliability and boost cost savings. The use of this advanced data helps operators make better O&M decisions and optimize asset condition and lifetime management. Online lubricant monitoring is applied to assess the wear signature and measure the oil degradation and contamination processes for different equipment, even in extreme scenarios. Correlation with operational information allows the creation of advanced models, which assess the scenarios where machines suffer the most stress and the situations that accelerate the tendency for fatal failures and unplanned downtime. This strategy can be used in onshore wind turbines, but in the case of off-shore wind turbines, it becomes decisive in planning maintenance operations due to the involved logistic cost. This step forward is aligned with PdM 4.0 and enables improved predictive management of critical assets to detect operational problems long before equipment failure, reducing downtime and costs.