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PO230: Unified Modeling and Simulation to Optimize Wind Turbine Rotor Blade
Margarita Riera, M&O Industry Expert , Dassault Systemes
The optimization of the composite structure of a rotor blade is extremely important for large wind turbines in today's energy transition landscape. This is a highly complex and challenging task that requires a combination of aerodynamic blade design, composite structure optimization, transient multibody dynamics and structural analysis. In order to achieve a fast design turn around required by the industry, the present work describes a unified modeling and simulation approach for the composite structure optimization of the wind turbine rotor blades. The workflow begins with the choice of an aerodynamic rotor blade surface followed by the definition of the composite layup. Stiffness matrices of the rotor blade are generated using beam abstraction and are used to define a flexible rotor blade in a multi body simulation which includes the entire wind turbine system. Transient multibody simulations of the wind turbine are carried out to obtain loads, tip deflections as design constraints, along with material costs for a certain blade design. Based on the results, the composite structure of the blade is adjusted and the entire process is repeated until both design and material cost constraints are satisfied. Detailed structural analysis is also carried out to analyze the stress and displacement of the blade on the optimized design. The present workflow shows a full automation of the modeling, simulation and optimization process. The structural properties of the composite blade model are verified against available benchmark data. This workflow has the potential to minimize capital expenditure in wind energy production by implementing a simulation centric "develop right first time" philosophy. The workflow enables significant design time savings and physical prototype reductions.