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PO115: A python-based floating offshore wind turbine design framework
Javier Lopez, PhD Student, TECNALIA
The recent surge in interest and investment in floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) technology has triggered innovation and research in the renewable energy sector. FOWTs are attractive due to their ability to tap into wind energy in deeper waters with more favorable wind conditions. However, their high Leverized Cost of Energy (LCOE) remains a challenge. To address this issue, a Python-based framework for FOWT system design has been developed. This framework offers various complexity-level models and floating wind turbine controllers, making it a valuable tool for the initial stages of FOWT system design. Its modular approach allows users to integrate their controllers, systems, and simulation models, enhancing its flexibility for system optimization and control design. The framework's capabilities are demonstrated through various test cases, including dynamic wind-wave simulations, optimization routines, and post-processing calculations for annual power production (AEP) and damage equivalent loads (DEL). Notably, it integrates the OpenFAST open-source wind turbine simulation tool, enabling rapid evaluation of design changes. Overall, this framework accelerates the early FOWT design process, leading to cost savings. Learning objectives include understanding FOWT design processes, limitations, and costs, dynamic modeling, available models, control objectives and approaches, and control parameter optimization procedures for FOWTs.