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We would like to invite you to come and see the posters at our upcoming conference. The posters will showcase a diverse range of research topics and provide an opportunity for delegates to engage with the authors and learn more about their work. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or simply curious about the latest developments in your field, we believe that the posters will offer something of interest to everyone. So please, join us at the conference and take advantage of this opportunity to learn and engage with your peers in the academic community. We look forward to seeing you there!

PO002: A long-short-term-memory neural network approach to early fault detection of wind turbines' main bearing based only on SCADA data.
Yolanda Vidal, Associate Professor, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

PO003: A use-case-driven approach for demonstrating the added value of digitalisation in wind energy
Sarah Barber, Head of Wind Energy Innovation Division, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences

PO004: Artificial intelligence for the prediction of failures in wind turbines
Rita Burnay, Director Consulting Expert - Energy & Utilities, Renewables, CGI

PO005: Assessing wind turbine performance upgrades using 10-minute SCADA data
Julien Tissot, Head of R&D, i4SEE TECH GmbH

PO006: Automated rotor imbalance monitoring with high-frequency SCADA data
Julien Tissot, Head of R&D, i4SEE TECH GmbH

PO008: Adaptive learning: the future of digital training
Lotte Kragh Andersen, Key Account Manager for Digital Solutions, RelyOn Nutec

PO010: POSTER AWARD WINNER - Optimizing wind energy trading decisions using interpretable AI-based tools - the symbolic regression approach.
Konstantinos Parginos, PhD Student, MINES Paris - PSL University

PO011: Pattern mining based data fusion for wind turbine condition monitoring
Xavier Chesterman, PhD researcher, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

PO012: Dynamic Relative blade pitch misalignment monitoring using TripleCMAS and Visual Inspection
Xavier Tolron, Head of Analysis and Drone R&D, Ventus Engineering GmbH

PO013: Rotor Imbalance using 1p / 3p frequencies
Xavier Tolron, Head of Analysis and Drone R&D, Ventus Engineering GmbH

PO014: Rotor rotational speed detection and rotor overspeed using TripleCMAS
Xavier Tolron, Head of Analysis and Drone R&D, Ventus Engineering GmbH

PO015: Shock detection using TripleCMAS
Tim Gazdic, Data analyst, Ventus Engineering GmbH

PO016: Gaussian process surrogate of bolted flange connection finite-element model for wind turbine monopile
Pedro Ochôa, Scientist, TNO - Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research

PO017: Transforming marine life monitoring with advanced technology solutions
Ka Henney-Cant, Products and Services Manager - OPG, Oceaneering International

PO018: Validation of a digital twin to predict fatigue life from SCADA data
Edoardo Cicirello, Wind Domain Expert at GreenPowerMonitor, a DNV company, DNV
PO019: Anomaly and pathological behavior detection of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine based on neuron sensors and simulation models
Romain Ribault, Scientist in mooring and monitoring for MRE, France Energies Marines

PO022: Can data sharing really provide added value? Practical data sharing recommendations for the wind energy sector
Sarah Barber, Head of Wind Energy Innovation Division, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences

PO023: Open-source wind turbine health predictor on the OSDUTM data platform
Hayley Horn, Sr. Solutions Architect, Databricks

PO024: An AI-based real-time support system for the wind turbine blade manufacturing
Richard Batur, Senior Product Manager, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

PO025: Camera calibration and Ground-Truth Generation as an Entry Point of improving manufacturing Processes
Dirk Rannacher, Lead Data Scientist, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

PO026: Look beyond AEP: true value of renewables asset management software
Feng Zhang, Product Director, Utopus Insights
PO027: Application of artificial neural networks for time series forecasting of wind speed at various locations in pakistan
Syed Muhammad Ahmad Kazmi, Student, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore

PO028: Optimizing the Biggest Wind Farms in the World
Julian Quick, Research Assistant, University of Colorado Boulder

PO030: International Energy Agency Wind Task 43 Digitalization: Data Standards Gap Analysis
Marc-Alexander Lutz, Researcher, Fraunhofer Institut for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)

PO032: Offshore digitalisation: bringing industry 4.0 to offshore wind farms
Brian Boye, Senior Manager Telecom Systems, Semco Maritime

PO033: Technical-economic feasibility study of offshore wind farms: a review of applied approaches
David Melo, Reseacher, Creation Research Group - UFRN

PO037: We can combat climate change and the biodiversity crisis simultaneously with better development practices
Heather Lafferty, Senior Project Manager, Statkraft

PO042: POSTER AWARD WINNER - Repowering solution of onshore wind turbine foundations
Janet Modu, Researcher in civil engineering, Antea Group

PO043: POSTER AWARD WINNER - The RecyclableBlade: Taking responsibility - blade by blade
Xabier Hierro-Olabarría, Materials Engineer, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

PO044: Willingness-to-pay for a “Green Deal”: social acceptance – evidence from Europe
Orlando San Martin, Senior Sustainability Advisor, Statkraft

PO045: Offshore wind policies and local content: what can we learn from the UK's experience
Rebekah Tait, PhD Researcher, University of Strathclyde

PO046: Public acceptance "in my backyard": What drives public acceptance of renewable energy projects?
Orlando San Martin, Senior Sustainability Advisor, Statkraft

PO047: Social acceptance of renewable energy developments: empirical analysis and case studies
Orlando San Martin, Senior Sustainability Advisor, Statkraft

PO052: Bioseco BPS - efficient solution for bird protection
Adam Jaworski, CEO, Bioseco S.A.

PO053: A general methodological framework to quantify the supply of marine ecosystem services in the context of offshore renewable energy development
Yoann Baulaz, Research fellow, France Energies Marines

PO054: MARINEWIND: accelerating investments in floating offshore wind to tackle European energy crisis
Inès Tunga, Renewables Practice Manager, Infrastructure & Engineering, Energy Systems Catapult

PO055: Environmental and social sustainability of PPAs: Fair wind ahead for the energy transition
Marios Stanitsas, Power Originator, ABO WIND

Andressa Medeiros Santiso, Researcher, Creation Research Group - UFRN

PO057: Consenting and constructability of offshore windfarms
Emanuele Stella, Head Of Offshore Renewables, ITPEnergised

PO058: Rethink rotor: a second life for rotor blades
Marcin Orawiec, Founding Partner OX2architekten, Dipl.-Ing. Architekt, Prof., Department of Architecture at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany

PO059: Sustainable end-of-life value chain scenarios for wind turbine blades
Samaneh Fayyaz, Research assisstant, SDU

PO060: SusWIND: reduce materials impacts, prolong lifetime, optimise operations & maintenance schedules
Jonathan Fuller, Principal Research Engineer, National Composites Centre

PO062: Seabed geotechnical properties and environmental conditions for the development of offshore wind installations
Johan Nyberg, Senior Wind Power Consultant, Ramboll

PO065: POSTER AWARD WINNER - Direct current dynamic export cables for floating wind- Long term integrity of its components under cyclic loading
Audun Johanson, R&D Project Manager & New Opportunities, Nexans

PO067: Sustainable dense fluids from dumpsites for passive and active ballasting of floating or fixed structures.
Pamela Díaz, R+D Manager, Pasek Minerales

PO068: The use of bolted joints in primary load bearing structures.
Sjur Lassesen, Technical Director, TP-Products

PO069: Sway-tolerant floating HAWT with Tripod stability and platform-level Yaw ring
George Syrovy, CTO, Tandem Wind Turbines Inc.

PO071: Patented floating offshore wind platform technology; enabling a lighter, faster, more cost-effective solution
Jason Wormald, Chief Technology Officer, Gazelle Wind Power
PO072: Lessons learnt from floating wind installation and O&M WindFloat Atlantic and Kincardine floating OWF
Luca Barbetti, Product Manager Offshore Energy, IMDC

PO074: The importance of defining and understanding the design challenges of developing an integrated approach for floating wind projects
Jonathan Samson, Group Leader - Renewables Technology, Frazer Nash Consultancy

PO078: CFD modelling of tilted rotors
Kisorthman Vimalakanthan, Aerodynamic Researcher, TNO - Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research

PO080: A coupled design methodology for floating offshore wind turbines
Spiro J. Pahos, Manager, Offshore Specialist, Bentley Systems

PO082: High fidelity simulations of DeltaWind platform's hydrodynamics using the openFOAM based application cenerFOAM
Juan Gracia Muro, Strategy & Business Development Manager, CENER

PO083: Hybrid wind and wave platform in MOST
Ermando Petracca, Scholarship, Politecnico di Torino

PO084: Coupled Analysis of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine under Combined Wave and Current
Mujahid Elobeid, Research Engineer , University of Edinburgh

PO088: Reactive power compensation in offshore wind farms with 132 kV inter arrays
Truls Drange, Electrical Engineer, Deep Wind Offshore AS

PO089: North sea offshore DC grid: net benefit of high temperature superconductors
Maria O'Neill, Technology Analyst, SuperNode Ltd.

PO093: Optimization of large-scale virtual power plants integrating wind farms
Luca Santosuosso, PhD student, MINES Paris - PSL University

PO094: Using API to exchange data between wind farm operators and National Load Dispatch Center
Ba Hoai Nguyen, Deputy Manager of Renewable Energy Management Department, EVNNLDC

PO095: Evaluating the Optimized Operation for Hybrid Power Plant Control Under Power Forecast Errors
Georgios Verikios, Wind Energy System Integration Scientist, TNO - Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research

PO096: POSTER AWARD WINNER - Energy System 2050 - towards a decarbonised Europe
Jonas Lotze, Project manager strategic grid development, TransnetBW GmbH

PO097: Offshore wind integration for decarbonization of oil & gas assets
Kristoffer Klaussen, Power system design engineer, ABB
PO098: Alternative solutions for renewable energy grid integration
Rahul Gopakumar, Grid specialist, Statkraft

PO099: Grid compliance as an underestimated OPEX factor
Anna Janssen Golieva, Senior Consultant, PEAK Wind
PO100: Analysis and comparison of wind farm reactive power capabilities considering wind turbine level on-load tap changer transformers
Fernando Santodomingo Llamas, Senior key expert, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

PO101: Medium voltage grid stability: switching on/off wind turbine transformers
Nestor Ajuria, Global Renewable Energy Manager, Ormazabal

PO107: Profitability of hybrid power plants in European markets
Hajar Habbou, Research assistant, DTU

PO108: The Story of Kitemill - Part I: 2008 to 2023
Espen Oland, Product Development Manager, Kitemill AS

PO109: Capacitive transfer system cable for efficient wind energy integration
Owen Johnson, Electrical Modelling Engineer, Enertechnos

PO110: Technology evolution that empowers grid integration of wind energy
Andreas Brandt, Global Product Manager for Medium Voltage Indoor Control and Protection Products, ABB

PO113: Owners' Engineering in next generation of renewable power plants with multiple hybridization levels: wind / solar / BESS / H2
Ignacio Romero-Sanz, Global Technical Practice Lead - Wind Engineering, BUREAU VERITAS

PO114: Extreme Event Decision-Making in high-wind penetration Energy Systems
Corinna Möhrlen, Managing Director, WEPROG

PO115: IEA Wind Task 51 Forecasting for the Weather Driven Energy System
Gregor Giebel, Head of Section, DTU Wind

PO117: Next Generation Forecasting Solutions for Wind Energy - Results from the Smart4RES Project.
Georges Kariniotakis, Prof., Head of Renewables and SmartGrids. Coordinator of Smart4RES, Mines Paris - PSL

PO118: Wind power forecasting combination in Vietnam
Vu Xuan Khu, Deputy Director, National Load Dispatch Centre

PO120: Economic Impact Assessment of Hydrogen generated from Offshore Wind: A Case Study for Belgium
Maëlig Gaborieau, Offshore Wind Data Analyst, Spinergie

PO121: Energy storage requirements for an islanded offshore wind turbine and electrolyser system
Mathieu Kervyn, Research Engineer, Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult

PO122: Managing energy spill in integrated wind turbine - electrolyser systems
James Ferguson, Research Engineer - Hydrogen Systems, Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult

PO123: Optimising the operation of wind powered electrolysers
James Ferguson, Research Engineer - Hydrogen Systems, Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult

PO124: The hydrogen wind turbine: a wind turbine optimised for hydrogen production
Andreas Bechmann, Senior Scientist, DTU Wind and Energy Systems
PO125: North Sea Energy: a public private partnership for R&D on offshore energy system integration
Rene Peters, Director Gas Technology / Business Director North Sea Energy Program, TNO

PO128: Unlocking green hydrogen from floating wind
Steven Freeman, Director, Environmental Resources Management (ERM)

PO131: Wind-powered off-grid solutions for large scale hydrogen production
Steinar Halsne, Senior Electrical Design Engineer, ABB

PO133: Mapping of hybrid offshore wind and green hydrogen pilot projects
Jéssica Rayany Rodrigues Silva, Reseacher, Creation Research Group - UFRN

PO135: From a 10,000 ft view: How industry benchmarking enables improved project performance
Graham More, Principle Renewable Analyst, Clir Renewables

PO137: Development of future onshore wind resource potential map using RE potential model with deployment pathways scenarios
Jin-Young Kim, Researcher, Korea Institute of Energy Research

PO138: GIS applications in offshore wind farms: an analysis and framework proposal
Mario Gonzalez, Professor and head of creation research group, Creation research Group - UFRN

PO139: Offshore Wind RES platform: a support tool for offshore wind energy planning
Alberto Ghigo, PhD Student, Politecnico di Torino

PO140: The new Italian Wind Atlas
Simone Sperati, Researcher, Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico (RSE) SpA

PO143: Cost-efficient nacelle-based LiDAR
Thole Horstmann, Scientific Assistant, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)
PO144: Evaluation of quality stamp filtering criteria of LiDARs - a critical view on typically applied standards
Annika Baltzer, Expert Wind&Site, PAVANA GmbH

PO146: How to conduct a dual scanning lidar campaign: Recommendations towards a standardised workflow
Dominic Champneys, Wind energy application research engineer, Leosphere (a Vaisala company)

PO149: Leveraging Scanning LiDAR offshore: how Europe can learn from Japan
Atsushi Yoshimura, Manager, Green Power Investment

PO150: OWA GloBE: The importance of pre- and post-campaign lidar calibrations
Elliot Simon, Senior R&D Engineer, DTU

PO152: Possibilities of utilization of ASNARO-2 X-band SAR for offshore wind retrieval
Yuko Takeyama, Associate Professor, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

PO155: Rain detection data from space used to estimate turbine blade lifetime
Charlotte Hasager, Professor, DTU Wind Energy
PO156: Recovery rate on measuring masts: what is the acceptable limit ?
Marion Jude, Wind analyst, Eoltech

PO157: Sensitivity study of the FLS200 type using a unified trial
Sandra Coll-Vinent, Data Scientist, EOLOS Floating Lidar Solutions

PO158: Statistical comparison of the lidar measurement error of different wind lidar profilers in complex terrain
Oliver Bisschoff, Research Assistent, University of Stuttgart

PO159: Verification of the Dual Scanning LiDAR wind assessment by using the meteorological observation tower at the Choshi Offshore Wind Power Station.
Yukinari Fukumoto, Chief Technical Manager, Civil Engineering, TEPCO Renewable Power, Inc.

PO161: A highly flexible control software for adaptive and synchronized long-range multi-lidar measurements
Tobias Klaas-Witt, Research staff, Fraunhofer Institut for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)

PO163: Development of an offshore LiDAR network to assist offshore wind expansion along the Dutch North Sea
Anthony Vitulli, Wind Energy Scientist Innovator, TNO - Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research

PO164: Understanding Pulsed Lidar Data Availability: Simulating with Reanalysis Data and Boosting with Convolutional Neural Networks
Andrew Black, Research & Applications Engineer, Vaisala France

PO165: Which lidar system should be used for offshore wind resource assessments in the Greek market?
Dominic Champneys, Wind energy application research engineer, Leosphere (a Vaisala company)

PO166: Bandpass Adjusted Turbulence Method Validations- The next step towards LiDAR-Only turbine suitability assessment
Sayantan Chattopadhyay, Lead Siting Solutions Engineer, Vestas

PO167: Conduct of an Adaptive Dual-Doppler Scanning Lidar Campaign and other Lidar Measurements in an Operating Wind Farm
Tabea Hildebrand, Research associate, Fraunhofer Institut for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)

PO169: Atmospheric stratification determinations at complex wooded site
Ru LI, Senior research engineer, Meteodyn

PO170: Evaluation of modeled data for wind resource assessment
Cédric Eneau, Resource & Yield R&D theme lead, TotalEnergies OneTech

PO171: Impact of Digital topography model accuracy on Energy Yield and Wind Resource Assessment
Hanne Vermeiren, Junior project engineer onshore renewables, Tractebel Engineering

PO172: Wind resource assessment with mesoscale-microscale coupling method in coastal area in China
Ru LI, Senior research engineer, Meteodyn

PO174: Descriptor-Based Surrogate Model of Wind Speeds in Off-Shore Wind Farms
Muhammed Nedim Sogut, PhD associate, University of Warwick

PO176: Lowering uncertainty on EYA using mesoscale models combined with 10 minutes average SCADA data
Henry Van Vyve, Project Engineer Onshore Wind, Tractebel

PO177: Reducing Risks and Uncertainty on Early-Stage Energy Yield Assessments
Jon Lopez de Maturana Echevarria, Senior Wind Resource Specialist, Statkraft

PO178: Train2Wind – an overview of the Lollex experiment
Gregor Giebel, Head of Section, DTU Wind

PO180: Wind fields from atmospheric turbulence measurements
Jan Friedrich, Postdoc, ForWind, University of Oldenburg

PO181: Study of the gross energy production forecast variation due to orographic map and long-term references choice
Stefano Macrì, Senior Wind Technology Specialist, Eni Plenitude

PO183: Offshore turbulence intensity - untangling requirements for design
Jon Collins, Lead Data Scientist, Wood Thilsted

PO185: Assessment of turbulence intensity estimates from floating lidar systems
Felix Kelberlau, Floating Lidar Product Lead, Fugro

PO186: Nacelle-Mounted Lidar reduce the uncertainty of Power Performance Test by Met Mast: a fully investigation
Frédéric Delbos, Wind Energy Research and Application Manager, Vaisala

PO187: Time to leverage Nacelle Mounted Lidar for Turbulence Intensity measurement using a new filtering method
Frédéric Delbos, Wind Energy Research and Application Manager, Vaisala

PO188: Current resource assessment methods are well equipped to support global offshore wind expansion
Edward Harris, Data Analyst, K2 Management

PO190: Forecasting of Wind Speed using Artificial Neural Network
Zia ul Rehman Tahir, Assistant Professor, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore

PO191: Short-term prediction of wind power production using different machine learning models
Minh-Thang DO, Head of Energy Division, Meteodyn

PO192: 6-month seasonal forecasting of monthly wind speed anomalies
Albert Bosch, Wind Meteorologist, VORTEX

PO197: Enabling cost efficient production of future-proof wind blades by using novel innovative resins
Daniel Raps, Expert Material Science Thermosets, Covestro Deutschland AG

PO198: Finite element modelling of repaired composite laminates
Aura Venessa De Guzman Paguagan, Senior Blade Specialist, Wind Power Lab

PO199: High-performance, synthetic grease for offshore applications
Rihard Pasaribu, Team Leader PAS EMEA, Shell

PO200: Performance impact modelling and validation of leading-edge erosion on wind turbine blades.
Tanuj Tanmay, Rotor Performance Engineer, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

PO201: REQUIM - Improving erosion testing of rotor blades
Hristo Shkalov, Senior Blade Specialist, Wind Power LAB

PO202: Torsional Deformations of an Offshore Wind Turbine Rotor Blade
Anna Wegner, Group Manager, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)
PO203: Wind tunnel test of airfoil with erosion and leading edge protection
Christian Bak, Professor, Director of the Poul la Cour Tunnel, Head of the Airfoil and Rotor Design section, DTU Wind Energy

PO204: Aero and acoustic components modelling on rotor level simulations
Srinath Narayana Murthy, Sr Technical Project Manager, Aero Dynamics & Acoustics, LM Wind Power

PO205: Enhancement of Lidar feedforward control technology through embedded wind reconstruction and preview solution
Fabrice Guillemin, Wind Turbines Control Project Manager, IFP Energies nouvelles

PO206: Development of an aerodynamic measurement system for wind turbines
Anna Wegner, Group Manager, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

PO209: CompactCool technology unlocking a new era for dry-type transformers
Müge Özerten, Global Product Marketing Manager, Hitachi Energy

PO210: Next generation offshore converters up to 18MW FC Wind Turbines
Alberto Barcia Gonzalez, Commercial Director - Wind Energy Convertors & Controls, Ingeteam

PO211: EcoGBF: an innovative steel gravity-based foundation for the next generation of offshore wind turbines
Mohammad Amin Lak, Founder, 3ST - SubSea Structural Technologies

David Melo, Reseacher, Creation Research Group - UFRN

Andressa Medeiros Santiso, Researcher, Creation Research Group - UFRN
PO214: Pitch Bearing Unit PBU - A game changer for blade bearing applications
Daniel Becker, Head of bearing calculations Business Unit Bearings, thyssenkrupp rothe erde

PO217: POSTER AWARD WINNER - In-situ characterisation of GFRP shell structures of wind turbine rotor blades under test using lock-in thermography
Michael Stamm, Researcher, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung

PO218: Qualification of dual tapered roller main bearings for multi- MW-wind turbines.
Bernd Lüneburg, Head of R&D, thyssenkrupp rothe erde

PO220: Maintenance and Repair of Wind Turbine Blades: Technologies and Costs
Leon Mishnaevsky Jr., Senior Researcher, Technical University of Denmark

PO221: POSTER AWARD WINNER - Particle Based Damping Concepts for Onshore Wind Turbines
Braj Bhushan Prasad, Research Assistant, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg

PO222: Limit load of bolted ring L-flange connections
Kristian Kousgaard Mikkelsen, Partner, Monopile Design Specialist, Venfluc

PO223: High Voltage Wet Design XLPE cables
Magnus Bengtsson, R&D Project Manager HVAC, Nexans

PO226: Online application of a linear aero-hydro-elastic model for virtual monitoring of an operational wind turbine
Marco Turrini, Junior Scientist, TNO - Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research

PO229: Safety in turbine towers
Steve Clarke, Founder, PMR Products

PO233: The method to digitalise a business function: A case study of digitalisation of laboratory services
Amin Rismanchian, Global Director - Geotechnical laboratory services, Fugro
PO234: Predicting the capacity factor of wind farms using explainable deep neural networks for estimating age related performance degradation.
Manuel S Mathew, PhD Research Fellow, Universitetet i Agder

PO235: Reblading: the most cost effective re-rotoring solution
Ruben Ruiz de Gordejuela, CTO, Nabla Wind Hub

PO237: Data-driven characterization of performance trends in ageing wind turbines
Alessandro Murgia, Data Scientist, Sirris

PO240: Investigations on wind turbine catastrophic damages
Amilcar Zambrano, Principal Engineer, DNV

PO241: Preliminary structural and economical evaluation of the self-erecting tower concept
Mariela Mendez Morales, PhD Candidate, University of Coimbra

PO245: Operational modal analysis to monitor scour status of offshore wind turbines
Euan Miller, Principal Engineer, Fugro

PO246: Utilising data and sustainable practices to create a reliable supply chain for the wind industry.
James Barry, Chief Executive, Renewable Parts

PO247: Performance benchmarking of an Artificial Neural Network model for the classification of wind turbine operation mode
Minh-Thang DO, Head of Energy Division, Meteodyn

PO248: Weather-dependent passive thermography and thermal simulation of in-service wind turbine blades
Somsubhro Chaudhuri, Scientific Staff, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung

PO249: Development of deep learning model for damage equivalent load estimation of wind turbine blades
Sungmok Hwang, Senior Researcher, Korea Institute of Energy Research

PO250: Optimization of an opportunistic maintenance strategy for wind turbines
Ju Feng, Senior Researcher, DTU Wind

PO252: Optimizing blade repair and maintenance strategies: wind farm valuations, LCOE, and turbine level economics
Damian Malone, Vice President and Head of Corporate Development , SkySpecs

PO254: A real-world data-driven lifetime assessment of a WTG support structure
Koen Robbelein, Researcher | PhD candidate, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

PO257: Successful obsolescence management in onshore wind power
Dana Holstein, Product Manager eCommerce, ENERCON

PO259: Offshore Wind Vessel Decarbonisation and The Charging Solution
Alistair Morris, Senior Offshore Wind Associate, Carbon Trust

PO261: Neural Networks in operational windfarms
John Slater, Senior Consultant, Fichtner Consulting Engineers

PO262: Crew transfer vessels for the future
Hans Randklev, GM Commercial, Strategic Marine (S) Pte Ltd.

PO265: Wind tunnel setup for validating wind farm control in varying wind directions
Vlaho Petrović, Senior Researcher, ForWind, University of Oldenburg

PO266: Targeted use of data to improve offshore wind in H&S
David Rowell, PhD Student, University of Strathclyde

PO267: Collection of ice throw statistics using drones
Anne Mette Nodeland, Senior Advisor, Kjeller Vindteknikk

PO268: Analysing errors of metocean forecasting to facilitate crew transfers
Orla Donnelly, PhD researcher, University of Strathclyde
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