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Partner, Monopile Design Specialist, Venfluc
Mr. Mikkelsen has extensive experience with design and optimisation of monopile foundations for offshore wind turbines. He has performed the detailed design of foundations for Gunfleet Sands 3 and West of Duddon Sands offshore wind farms and acted as a lead engineer for several projects. Furthermore, Mr. Mikkelsen has developed software used to conduct the detailed design of more than a thousand monopile foundations. The software has also been employed regularly to provide foundation input for bids and reassess existing foundations. For many years Mr. Mikkelsen was the main driver behind, and technically responsible for the optimisation efforts for monopile design in Ørsted, introducing novel design approaches and cutting costs significantly. Additionally, Mr. Mikkelsen has authored primary steel technical documentation, design briefs and guidelines for the optimisation of monopile foundations. In 2022 Mr. Mikkelsen founded Venfluc together with two former colleagues, offering services related to monopile foundation design; wind turbine load calculation; fabrication, handling, storage, transport and installation of monopile foundations.Posters
- Limit load of bolted ring L-flange connections
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