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Senior Consultant, PEAK Wind
Florian Guillebeaud is a Senior Consultant at PEAK Wind – a company specialised in Consultancy and Asset Management services within the renewables industry. Florian is a subject matter expert within O&M Strategy, OPEX and Availability modelling, and O&M Preparation. He has taken a leading role in the development of multiple reporting tools as well as internal benchmarking tools, including the market intelligence platform Sea Impact. Florian has extensive insights into floating wind O&M as he is supporting the development of a floating wind project in the UK. Over the years in PEAK Wind, he has been involved in multi-GW scaled project across 10+ countries via O&M life cycle cost assessment (OPEX) & availability assessment as well as supporting Operations Preparation functions, for both bottom fixed and floating offshore wind farms.Posters
- The importance of selection your Operation & Maintenance (O&M) logistical concept for floating wind from a turbine availability perspective
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