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PhD student, France Energies Marines
Robin is a PhD student at France Energies Marines and IMT Atlantique, Lab-STICC UMR CNRS 6285. He has been working for 1.5 years within the collaborative research program FLOWTOM led by France Energies Marines, focusing on the challenges of Floating Offshore Wind O&M. His research focuses on the use of Deep Learning methods for the short-term forecasting of met-ocean variables, in the context of complex offshore maintenance operations. He previously worked 9 months as a research engineer at France Energies Marines focusing on data-driven methods for site characterization and offshore wind variability estimation, and 2 years as an offshore wind consultant at Lautec ApS, Denamark. He holds a MSc in Renewable Energies from DTU, Copenhagen, Denmark with a focus on offshore wind energy, and a master’s degree from Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France in general engineering with focus on physics and energy-related issues. His main areas of interest are data-driven forecasting models, offshore wind O&M, metocean forecasting, site characterization.”Posters
- Deep learning for the multivariate probabilistic forecasting of wind speed: application to floating offshore wind operations and maintenance
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