Posters | WindEurope Annual Event 2023

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We would like to invite you to come and see the posters at our upcoming conference. The posters will showcase a diverse range of research topics and provide an opportunity for delegates to engage with the authors and learn more about their work. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or simply curious about the latest developments in your field, we believe that the posters will offer something of interest to everyone. So please, join us at the conference and take advantage of this opportunity to learn and engage with your peers in the academic community. We look forward to seeing you there!

PO214: Pitch Bearing Unit PBU - A game changer for blade bearing applications

Daniel Becker, Head of bearing calculations Business Unit Bearings, thyssenkrupp rothe erde


Global offshore development trends towards increasing rotor diameter are setting higher technical requirements. As hub and blade components are increasing in size, the overall system stiffness is getting important. Onshore wind turbine developments are challenged by transportation constrains when it comes to addressing turbine upscaling trends. Standardization respectively modularization trends to contribute to a reduction in the LCOE by OEM supply chain modifications are requested. The calculation and experimental testing capabilities for multi-MW blade bearing applications at thyssenkrupp rothe erde are shown. The importance of taking into account both blade bearing system stiffness and high quality input load is highlighted. A concept for an integrated extender bearing unit named Pitch Bearing Unit is shown. The bundle product provides superior stiffness to the pitch bearing and facilitates either (i) a reduction of hub size respectively (ii) an increase in blade root diameter. (i) contributes to solve transport, logistic and supply chain constrains; (ii) enables a targeted upscaling of blade root diameter and blade length. The pitch bearing unit is a preassembled and tested subsystem consisting of the relevant components for both hydraulic and electrical pitch drive. Bolted between hub and blade components, it allows to reduce not only hub size, but also hub design complexity and thus hub machining and assembly costs. The ready-to-run functionality contributes to ease the installation on site with reduced complexity in logistic set-up and efforts. Results from a proof-of-concept study for a multi-MW turbine are shown. Potential implications for the OEM supply chain based on component standardization and modularization enabled are discussed.

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