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Founding Partner OX2architekten, Dipl.-Ing. Architekt, Prof., Department of Architecture at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany
1983-89 - worked in the office of Prof. Joachim Schürmann, Cologne since 1989 - working as a freelance architect since 1989 - member of the Forum of Young Architects 1994 - Appointment to the BDA 1994-95 - Visiting Professor at the IAAS Venezia since 1994 - Professor for Constructive Design at the h-da in Darmstadt 1996 - together with Ina-Marie Orawiec foundation of OX2architekten 2000 2005 - member of the board of trustees DIFA AWARD 2003-07 - member of the advisory board of Immobilienforum Frankfurt Since 2003 - Member of the Immobilienforum Frankfurt 2008 - together with Ina-Marie Orawiec foundation of OX2architekten GmbH numerous lectures, international workshops and award juries. The search for high-quality yet simple design solutions for complex tasks has occupied Prof. Marcin Orawiec as an architect and since 1989 also in teaching and research. With the office OX2architekten, founded in 1996 with his wife and partner Ina-Marie Orawiec, they have regularly been able to assert themselves against strong international competition in architecture and urban planning competitions. As part of OX2architekten I am convinced that sustainability is the overall social obligation, which requires all our creativity, performance and passion focused on places and buildings that serve owners and users in the best possible way and at the same time make a positive contribution to the design of the public space that is inevitably experienced by all. Space that can be experienced by all. For the OX2team, the technical performance of a building, its the technical performance of a building, its quality of use, its durability, its design quality and its integration into the respective urban environment cannot be from each other. This conviction determines the contribution of our contribution to the three pillars of sustainability - ecology, economy, social issues. We design : to make this world a better place! In teaching and research at the Department of Architecture at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, I am dedicated to constructive design and the topics that currently concern us all, such as circular construction, urban mining and the integration of renewable of renewable building materials in construction.Posters
- Rethink rotor: a second life for rotor blades
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