Presenters and Speakers | WindEurope Annual Event 2023

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Presenters and Speakers

Luca Santosuosso

PhD student, MINES Paris - PSL University


Luca Santosuosso was born in Rome, Italy, in 1997. In 2019, he received the Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science cum laude from the University of Rome Tre. In 2021, he received his Master’s Degree in Control Engineering cum laude from Sapienza University of Rome. From May 2021 to November 2021 he did an internship at the MINES Paris - PSL University in Sophia Antipolis, France, working on trading and real-time control strategies for renewable-based hybrid power plants. In January 2022 he started his PhD Thesis entitled "A generic framework for the valorization of high-dimensional virtual power plants integrating multiple flexibility technologies" at the MINES Paris - PSL University.



  • Optimization of large-scale virtual power plants integrating wind farms
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WindEurope Annual Event 2022