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Senior Project Manager, Statkraft
Heather is a Senior Project Manager, and internal ecology advisor at Statkraft in the UK. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 2011 with a BSc degree in Zoology and went on to start her career working as a consultant ecologist, primarily on onshore wind farm projects. Heather joined Statkraft in 2019 to help deliver the portfolio of onshore wind energy projects and has since expanded her role, such that she now acts as in internal ecology advisor, utilising her skills and knowledge of the subject. Heather has seen her projects shortlisted for industry recognised awards, including the Scottish Renewables' Green Energy Awards. Her ambition is to see renewable energy projects positively contributing to ecology and biodiversity in their local areas, in order to bring wider benefits for the climate and nature conservation.Posters
- We can combat climate change and the biodiversity crisis simultaneously with better development practices
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