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Researcher, VITO
Wai Chung Lam obtained her master’s degree in 2008 at the department of Built Environment of the Eindhoven University of Technology. After her studies, she gained professional experience as a consultant sustainable development at a commercial engineering consultancy company. In March 2014, Wai Chung joined VITO (Flemish Institute for Technological Research) as a researcher in the unit Smart Energy and Built Environment. This unit is part of the “EnergyVille” collaboration on sustainable energy with the University of Leuven (KU Leuven), the R&D centre IMEC, and University of Hasselt (U Hasselt). At VITO/EnergyVille Wai Chung focuses upon construction related projects, more specifically life cycle and sustainability assessments of building concepts and services. Within the INNTERESTING project, she was the technical leader of work package 6 and responsible for the environmental life cycle assessment (LCA).Posters
- Sustainability potential of hybrid testing methods of critical components in wind turbines
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