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PhD Student, MINES Paris - PSL University
Konstantinos Parginos is a PhD Researcher at MINES ParisTech, granted Marie Curie Scholarship. More precisely he is working on enhancing the Interpretability of Artificial Intelligence tools in the Energy Sector. He obtained his M. Eng. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Patras and finalizing his M. Sc. degree in Management from Solvay Business School. Konstantinos has received several professional certificates in the Energy Transition from Florence School of Regulation and TU Delft. During his previous role at ENTSO-e, he coordinated the Pan European Market Modelling DataBase of System Development section, while supporting the Seasonal Outlook reports. “Electricity Markets appeals to me as a field in which I can solve problems, make an impact and hone my teamwork and leadership skills. Seeing the tangible impacts of my work motivates me. From my academic and professional experience in several European organizations and universities, my hope for a cleaner energy future grew even further and gave me solid knowledge about a field that I'm passionate about.”Posters
- POSTER AWARD WINNER - Optimizing wind energy trading decisions using interpretable AI-based tools - the symbolic regression approach.
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