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DR. Engineer, CESI-KEMA Labs
Born in 1959, received the Doctor’s degree in Electrical engineering from the Milano Polythechnic in 1984 and joined CESI in 1985. Working in CESI he has gained 37th years of experience in the cable sector where he has been engaged in testing different cables and accessories from LV to EHV. He is involved in Standardization bodies like CENELEC and IEC e.g. member of IEC - PT 62895 High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC); member of STL (Short-Circuit Testing Liaison), TG 3 - High Voltage Cables, since 2015; Chairman, IEC International Electrotechnical Commission, TC 89 "Fire hazard testing", since 2003 till 2017, now Vice Chairman of IEC TC 89. In October 2017 he was awarded of the IEC Thomas Edison Award. He is author and co-author of several papers delivered in JICABLE, INMR and other important worldwide Conferences.Posters
- The wind is blowing hard on the cable and electrical installation market: KEMA Labs experiences on testing 525kV DC cable systems
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