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Associate Professor, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Yolanda Vidal received her B.E. degree in Mathematics in 1999 and her Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics in 2005 from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain. Since 2001, she has been with the Department of Mathematics and the Barcelona East School of Engineering (EEBE), at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, where she is currently an Associate Professor with the Control, Data, and Artificial Intelligence research group (CoDAlab). Her research interests include structural health monitoring (SHM), condition monitoring (CM), and fault diagnosis (FD), with an emphasis on their specific application to wind turbines. Dr. Vidal is an IEEE Senior member and serves as an Editorial Board Member for international journals, such as Mathematics, Sensors, Energies, Frontiers in the Built Environment, and Frontiers in Energy Research. Dr. Vidal is the author of 50 journal articles, 18 competitive projects, 15 book chapters, 7 books, 1 invention patent, and more than 100 conference articles.Presentations
- Innovative methods to make the most out of your operational data
A long-short-term-memory neural network approach to early fault detection of wind turbines' main bearing based only on SCADA data.
[scientific paper submitted - IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series (volume 2507)]
- A long-short-term-memory neural network approach to early fault detection of wind turbines' main bearing based only on SCADA data.
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