ProceedingsProgrammeSpeakersPostersCompanies presentingScientific papersDay partners
PO002: Rain erosion of leading edges of wind turbine blades. What is up and down?
Dr.-Ing. Charlotte Hasager, Senior Scientist, DTU Wind Energy
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

Cheng Zhuang, Techinal Director, Shanghai Electric Wind Power Group Co. Ltd.
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO005: A fully autonomous Drone for Wind Speed Measurements
Professor Klaus Eisele, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Northwestern Switzerland
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO006: Optimization of lidar measurements for wind resource assessment – Introduction to the LiMeS project
Doron Callies, Coordinator area of expertiseEnergy Meteorology and Renewable Resources, Fraunhofer IEE
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO007: Going far back in time to analyse the wind resource: Can pressure data replace wind data?
Marion Jude, Wind Analyst, Eoltech
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO008: Reduction of uncertainties using DeltaWindFlow and optimised Mast-to-Turbine weightings
Romain Molins, EAG Manager - Chile, Mainstream Renewable Power
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO009: Synoptic Influences on Turbine Performance and Power Curve Monitoring
Dr. Carolin Schmitt, Meteorologist/Senior Manager
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO010: Optimized GIS-Based Site Selection Approach For Wind Farm Development : A Case Study For Iran's Province in TAKESTAN
Alireza Karbalaeimirza, Wind Energy analyst, Mapnagroup (MD1)
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO012: Meso-microscale coupling for wind resource assessment using average atmospheric conditions
Pablo Duran, Industrial PhD candidate, WindSim AS / Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO013: Evolution of the wind resource over the last 30 to 45 years for 10 European regions (France, Germany and UK). Variability analyses and update of the uncertainty on long term prediction process.
Marion Jude, Wind Analyst, Eoltech
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance
PO014: Wake modelling with the actuator disc concept in complex terrain
Ansgar Johan Ladstein, Master Student, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO015: Comparisons of the wind trends from MERRA2 data and a multisource wind index (23 regions in Europe) Why does the choice of the reference sources matter so much?
Marion Jude, Wind Analyst, Eoltech
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO017: Development of elastic flaps for application on wind turbines.
Artur Reiswich, MSc., Reasearch assistant, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO018: Improving vertical wind speed extrapolation using short-term lidar measurements
Alexander Basse, MSc., research associate, PhD student, University of Kassel
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO020: Reduction of Sensitivities of Monostatic Wind Remote Sensing Devices by Vector Averaging
Axel Albers, Managing Director, Deutsche WindGuard
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO022: A new analytical framework to improve risk quantification and optimize measurement campaigns
Karim Fahssis, CEO, MeteoPole / Zephy-Science (AZIUGO Group)
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO023: Optimal time step of SCADA data for the power curve of wind turbine
Dr Minh-Thang DO, Research and Development Engineer, Meteodyn
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO024: Flow Complexity Recognition - Experience with LiDAR data in moderately complex terrain
Pierre-Emmanuel Brichet, Project Development Engineer, DNV GL
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO025: Impact of Aggregated Roughness on Mesoscale Wind Climate
Grégoire Leroy, R&D Meteorologist, 3E
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO026: Historical wind speed trends and impact on long-term adjustment and interannual variability in France
Niels Peyre, MSc, Renewable Energy Consultant, Wood Group France SAS
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO027: ZephyCube - LIDAR data CFD correction in complex terrain
Théo Reffet, Wind Energy Expert, ZephyScience
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO028: Wind Resource Assessment over Coastal Indian Site using Nested Mesoscale Large-Eddy-Simulations for Wind Energy Applications
Dr. Eric Tromeur, Research Engineer, Meteodyn France
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO031: Research onAnnual Wind Speed Variation Characteristics for the Construction of Offshore Windfarm inWest Sea ofthe Korean Peninsula
KEONHOON KIM, Principal Researcher, KIER
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO033: Potential estimation and Performance evaluation of power upgrades products across European wind farms
Natarajan Sethuramalingam, General Manager – After Sales Value Engineering, Vestas
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO034: Quantitative wind climatology at hub height of modern wind turbines
Tina Leiding, Climatologist, Deutscher Wetterdienst
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO035: Wake detection in the turbine inflow using nacelle lidars
Dominique P Held, MSc., PhD Student, Department of Wind Energy
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO036: Wind Resource Assessment of Sites with Complex Terrains using Large Eddy Simulation
Dr. Gang Huang, PhD, Research engineer, Meteodyn
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO037: Operating wind parks: nacelle direction monitoring
Romain Fabre, Wind assessment engineer, Eurocape New Energy
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO038: Comparison of theoretical and empirical electrical losses in the Balance of Plant of a Wind Farm: a case study in Brazil
Performance Manager Gustavo Bohme, PhD., Performance Manager, Echoenergia
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO039: An offshore wind project lifecycle-approach to the use of Lidar – how an industry has revolutionised itself.
Matt Smith, Offshore Lidar Expert, Zephir Lidar Ltd.
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO040: Aero-elastic codes validation using Levenmouth 7MW real field measurements
MSc Carlos Rodriguez, Senior aero-elastic research engineer, ORE Catapult
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO041: On the determination of wind speeds at hug height in offshore wind farms
Sofia Caires, Specialist/Expert Advisor, Deltares
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO042: On the impact of realistic offshore wind energy exploration scenarios on wind conditions within the German Bight
Martin Doerenkaemper, PostDoctoral Researcher, Fraunhofer IWES
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO043: Power production for individual turbines using Wind Farm Simulator
Martin S. Grønsleth, Adviser, Kjeller Vindteknikk AS
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO044: Comparison of simulations and wind tunnel measurements for the improvement of design tools for Vertical Axis Wind Turbines
Sarah Barber, Wind Energy Programme Leader, University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO045: Improving WRF accuracy using observation nudging
Dr Eric Dupont, expert researcher, ENPC/CEREA
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO046: Wave modelling in offshore wind farms
Jan-Joost Schouten, Senior project manager offshore wind, Deltares
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO047: WINDSEA, meet the challenge of offshore wind developers confidence in floating LiDAR Technology.
Maxime BELLORGE, Project & Sales Director, AKROCEAN
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO049: Vector averaging for Windcube in complex terrain
Paul Mazoyer, Application Engineer, Leosphere
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO050: Nacelle Mounted Lidar: Calibration and Power Curve Verification of the Wind Iris 2-beam and 4-beam
Dr Cedric Dall'Ozzo, Wind Analyst & R&D Coordinator, EDF Renewables
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO053: Operating wind park case study: better understanding of the direction deviation of wind turbines
Romain Fabre, Wind assessment engineer, Eurocape New Energy
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO054: A novel method to quantify atmospheric stability
Lasse Svenningsen, PhD., R&D Manager, EMD International A/S
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO055: Production indices as long-term reference for energy production assessments in France
Nicolas Marquet, Wind Farm Senior Engineer, DNV GL
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO056: Offshore wind turbine power curve tests using lidar
Peter Clive, Senior Scientist, Wood - Clean Energy
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO057: The performance of lidar in complex terrain and complex flow
Peter Clive, Senior Scientist, Wood - Clean Energy
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO058: Reduction of wake modelling uncertainty using a 3D RANS model
Wolfgang Schlez, Director, ProPlanEn
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO060: Energy production assessments in France - Accuracy and Learnings
Fatima Grondona, Engineer, Asset Operation & Management (AOM), DNV GL
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO061: First results from the iSpin Performance Transparency Project (PTP)
Dr.-Ing. Harald Hohlen, Head of Performance, Analysis & Reporting, ROMO Wind A/S
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO062: An adjoint optimization tool for correcting LiDAR wind measurement in complex terrain
Dr. Saleh Nabi, Research Scientist, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO063: Energy interaction of vertical axis wind turbines working in pairs: a case study and an application of iec61400-12-1:2017
İSKENDER KÖKEY, PhD(c), PhD Candidate, The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences of Dokuz Eylül University
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO065: The impact of lattice mast structure on the results of wind speed measurements
Vladislavs Bezrukovs, Researcher, Ventspils University College
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO066: Wind power prediction in complex terrain using analog ensembles
Dr Yngve Birkelund, Head of Department of Engineering and Safety, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO067: A real life investigation of wake losses
Thomas Zirngibl, Team Leader, TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO068: Seasonal Evaluation of WRF Wind Farm Parameterization Scheme Performance For A Large Offshore Wind Farm
Ken Tay, Research Specialist, LLoyd's Register Global Technology Center
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO069: Power performance testing according to IEC 61400-12-1 ed.2, 2017: Comparing the four methods
Vanessa Mabel Zeron Funez, MSc Student, University of Oldenburg
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO070: Investigation of the validity of the Blade Element Momentum Theory for wind turbine simulations in Turbulent inflow by means of CFD
Sebastian Ehrich, Research assistant, University of Oldenburg
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO071: Guideline on Operational Data Assessment
Martin Strack, Manager Site and Energy Assessment, Deutsche WindGuard Consulting GmbH
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO073: Post-construction Wind Farm Power Performance Assessment using Lidar- and SCADA-data
Tobias Klaas, Research Associate, Fraunhofer IEE
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

Mohamad Alkhalidi, Associate Professor, Kuwait University
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO075: Robustness of spinner anemometer wind speed measurement with respect to yaw misalignment.
Nick Janssen, Team lead, ROMO Wind
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO076: Extreme Load Analysis of a 5MW Offshore Wind Turbine under Tropical Cyclone Wind Conditions
Dr. Prof. Jui-Hung Liu, Assistant Professor, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO077: Floating Lidars for analysis of operational wind farms
John Slater, Senior Consultant, Fichtner Consulting Engineers
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO078: Direct load and lubrication monitoring of a high speed shaft bearing in the field
Benjamin Clarke, MEng, PhD Student, The University of Sheffield
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO079: Wind Field Reconstruction from Lidar Measurements at High-Frequency using Machine Learning
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO081: Advanced turbine performance analytics using nacelle mounted lidars
Gregory Dudziak, Due Diligence Lead, Natural Power
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO082: Lowering the cost and improving the uncertainty of turbine performance assessment.
Guillaume Coubard-Millet, Technical Audit Engineer, WPO
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO083: Fibre Bragg Grating Based Sensors for Structural Health & Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbine Blades
Jialin Tang, Project Leader, Integrity Management Group, TWI Ltd
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO084: IEA Wind Task 32: Helping To Get the Best from Wind Lidar
Andrew Clifton, IEA Wind Task 32 Operating Agent, University of Stuttgart
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO085: Evaluation of profile assessments versus MCP correlation for 6-months wind measurements
Annette Westerhellweg, Project manager, UL International GmbH
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO087: Wind farm simulation and validation of analytical and CFD based wake models
Felix Braunheim, Master's degree candidate, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance
PO088: Comparing MERRA and MERRA-2 Reanalysis Datasets with Measured Wind Data for Karachi, Pakistan
Mr. Faisal Iqbal Qureshi, B.Sc., Student, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO089: Evaluation of ERA-Interim and NCEP-CFSR Reanalysis Datasets against in-situ Measured Wind Speed Data for Keti Bandar Port, Pakistan
Zia ul Rehman Tahir, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO090: Comparison of Satellite Analysis and Reanalysis datasets with measured wind speed for a Wind Power Project in Jhimpir, Pakistan
Muhammad Talha Akram Pasha, Student, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO091: Space-time characterization of large-scale atmospheric structures over flat terrain from lidar measurements.
Leonardo Alcayaga, PhD Student, DTU WInd Energy
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO092: Expelling the myth of site specific NTF
Bob Smith, Director - Operations, Technology and Future Business, Mytrah
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO093: Effect of Diurnal wind direction variation on turbine health and performance; an Indian Case Study
Bob Smith, Director - Operations, Technology and Future Business, Mytrah
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO094: Is REWS the new way of reducing uncertainty in energy estimation?
Bob Smith, Director - Operations, Technology and Future Business, Mytrah
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO096: IEA Wind Task 32: Best Practices for the Certification of Lidar-Assisted Control Applications
Steffen Raach, Co-founder, sowento
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO097: Evaluation of the WRF model with respect to wind in complex terrain
Kine Solbakken, PhD Student, UiT - Arctic University of Norway
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO098: WRF evaluation in a complex and flat terrain in Brazil
Prof. Dr. Júlio Passos, Federal University of Santa Catarina
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO099: Uncertainty quantification of a CFD model in complex site by cross-checking wind measurements.
Giorgio Crasto, PhD, Wind Analyst & CFD Engineer, Freelance Engineer
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO100: Suitability assessment of wind turbines - a simplified approach
Rahul Khandelwal, MSc., Associate – Micrositing, GE Renewable Energy
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO101: Wind turbine Ice Protection Systems Benchmark Analysis
Mr Timo Karlsson, Research Scientist, VTT Technical Research Center of Finland
Assessing the wind resource & turbine performance

PO102: Design, building and Evaluation of a Savonius wind turbine
Ary Mauricio Burbano, PhD Student, Universidad de Sevilla
Developments in turbine technology

PO103: Integrated energy storage to support converter and sub systems
Chris Damgaard, System Manager, KK Wind Solutions A/S
Developments in turbine technology

PO104: Special creeping movements of drive train components in wind power gearboxes
Andreas Maiwald, General Manager, Maiwald Engineering
Developments in turbine technology

PO105: BAtool: calculation of the load distribution and the friction torque in slewing bearings
Dr Iker Heras, PhD, Researcher, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Developments in turbine technology

PO106: Life cycle models for wind turbine technology
Dr. Philipp Schmid, Power2Crypto
Developments in turbine technology

PO107: Capabilities of an optimized design process for wind turbine drive trains
Dr Thomas Rosenlöcher, Chief Engineer, Technische Universität Dresden
Developments in turbine technology

PO108: Recommended Practice DNVGL-RP-0286 “Coupled analysis of Floating wind turbines”
Ngoc-Do Nguyen, Senior Engineer, DNV GL
Developments in turbine technology

PO109: POLYCONE TOWER: reaching higher altitudes with cost effective solution
Dr. Jokin Rico Arenal, Technical Manager, Ingecid
Developments in turbine technology

PO110: Large-Scale Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Self-Starting Demonstration
Rosalie FUCHS, Test Engineer, NENUPHAR
Developments in turbine technology

PO111: Things You Should Know About Diamond-like Carbon Coatings
Prof. Dr. Esteban Broitman, Senior Scientist, SKF
Developments in turbine technology

PO112: Prediction of long-term creep behavior of blade by time-stress superposition principle(TSSP) modeling
Nadia Nosrati, research assistant, Sun Air
Developments in turbine technology

PO114: Wind turbine rotor icing detectors performance evaluation
Charles Godreau, Project Manager Research and Innovation, Nergica
Developments in turbine technology

PO115: Aerodynamic wind turbine modeling: towards reliable floating wind turbine model testing
Raúl Guanche Garcia, Head of Offshore Engineering and Renewable Group, Environmental Hydraulics Institute - IH Cantabria, Santander, Spain
Developments in turbine technology

PO116: Assessing Dynamic Cable Cross Section Stresses For Floating Offshore Wind Applications
Mr David Young, MEng, Research Engineer, ORECatapult
Developments in turbine technology

PO117: Towards a Lifetime Solution for Leading Edge Erosion
Dr Kirsten Dyer, PhD, Senior Materials Research Engineer - Blades, ORE Catapult
Developments in turbine technology

PO118: Experimental modelling of jacket scour protection systems for offshore wind
Raúl Guanche Garcia, Head of Offshore Engineering and Renewable Group, Environmental Hydraulics Institute - IH Cantabria, Santander, Spain
Developments in turbine technology

PO119: Cable Stayed Tower
Casper Lyngsø, Director, Head of Tower Engineering, Vestas
Developments in turbine technology

PO122: Understanding Lidar measurement availability in the context of Lidar-assisted control of wind turbines
Paul Mazoyer, Application Engineer, Leosphere
Developments in turbine technology

PO123: On the importance of blade torsion for wind turbine modelling and control design
Dr.-Ing. Mohamed Sayed, Project Engineer, MesH Engineering GmbH
Developments in turbine technology

PO124: An optimization based approach using LiDAR measurements to predict incoming wind conditions
Fabrice Guillemin, Wind turbine control project manager, IFP Energies nouvelles
Developments in turbine technology

PO125: Scanning lidar measurements on floating offshore wind turbines
Peter Clive, Senior Scientist, Wood - Clean Energy
Developments in turbine technology

PO126: Thick-Walled Austempered Ductile Iron Castings to Boost the Torque Density of Wind Turbine Gearboxes
Pasi Paakkinen, MSc, Metallurgist, Moventas Gears Oy
Developments in turbine technology

PO127: Standardization of WTG Generic Systems - AnlagenSystematik
Dr. Saed Ehsani, Senio Expert in Product and Systems, Nordex AWP
Developments in turbine technology

PO128: Gearless generator with magnets on the stator for wind turbine
Dr. Vladimir Prakht, CEO of EMACH LLC, Associate professor of Ural Federal University
Developments in turbine technology

PO129: Directional fatigue accumulation in wind turbine steel towers
René Meklenborg Miltersen Slot, Industrial PhD student, Aalborg University / EMD International A/S
Developments in turbine technology

PO130: Observability Analysis for Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines using Empirical Gramian Matrices
Bastian Ritter, Topic leader, Industrial Science GmbH
Developments in turbine technology

PO131: Numerical simulation of Monopile instakkation using 2D-Axisymmetric material point method
Dr. Ahmed Elkadi, CEng, Senior consultant, Deltares
Developments in turbine technology

PO132: Development paths for Floating Offshore Wind
Hina Varshney, Consultant, MEC Intelligence
Developments in turbine technology
PO133: Design of a modular product platform for wind energy converters
Michael Mendl-Heinisch, M.SC RWTH, Research Associate, Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) at RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany
Developments in turbine technology

PO134: Composite Low Speed Shaft Coupling to Improve Drivetrain Reliability and Reduce Levelized Cost of Energy
Alexander Kari, Product Manager, Geislinger GmbH
Developments in turbine technology

PO135: Synchronous Reluctance Generator with Ferrite Magnets for Wind Turbine
Dr. Vladimir Dmitrievskii, CTO of EMACH LLC, Associate professor of Ural Federal University
Developments in turbine technology
PO136: Beyond OC5 - Further Developments in Floating Wind Turbine Modelling with Bladed
Mr Alec Beardsell, Senior Loads Analysis Engineer, DNV GL
Developments in turbine technology

PO137: High potential journal bearing concepts and bearing materials for wind turbine main gearboxes
Johannes Hölzl, Business Development Wind, Miba Gleitlager Austria GmbH
Developments in turbine technology

PO139: Turbine fatigue load reduction – how to assure it in the field?
Dr.-Ing. Christoph Heilmann, Head of R&D, BerlinWind GmbH
Developments in turbine technology

PO142: Application of the PISA framework to the design of offshore wind turbine monopile foundations
Stavros Panagoulias, Researcher, Plaxis bv
Developments in turbine technology

PO143: Reliability assessment for floating wind turbines regarding fatigue failure
Kolja Müller, Head of Reliability Department, Institute of Machine Components / University of Stuttgart
Developments in turbine technology

PO144: Control-feasible fatigue modeling for wind-turbines
Ole Falkenberg, Research Expert, IAV GmbH
Developments in turbine technology

PO145: Key issues in the design and properties modulation of polymeric materials for rain erosion protection systems of wind turbine blades
Dr. Fernando Sánchez, PhD, Research, University CEU Cardenal Herrera
Developments in turbine technology

PO146: Machine learning in offline wind turbine controller tuning
Wouter Engels, Medior Scientist Integrator, ECN
Developments in turbine technology

PO147: Systems Engineering for Lidar-Assisted Control: A Sequential Approach
Dr.-Ing. David Schlipf, Founder, sowento
Developments in turbine technology

PO148: Investigation of the effect of elastic blade deformations on the aerodynamic performance of large wind turbines by means of BEM and CFD
Dr. Bernhard Stoevesandt, Head of Department, Fraunhofer IWES and ForWind – University of Oldenburg
Developments in turbine technology

PO149: Technical Advances in the Design of the Largest Onshore Wind Turbines
Dr. Chris Spruce, FIET CEng, Chief Engineer, GE Renewable Energy
Developments in turbine technology

PO150: Commercial Value of Data Has Increased Thanks to Digitalisation
Philip Totaro, Founder & CEO, Totaro & Associates

PO152: Has your power plant been hacked? How to increase your power plants' security
Mohamed Harrou, Team Leader SCADA & IT Security, BayWa r.e. Operation Services GmbH

PO153: Digital convergence: the evolution of data requirements closing the loop in wind energy assessment
Peter Clive, Senior Scientist, Wood - Clean Energy

PO154: Optimization of wind farms using smart fiber-optic rotor blade sensing data
Luis Vera-Tudela, Head of Wind Power Knowledge, fos4x

PO161: Real-time digital link between TSO and DER operator for smart grid applications
Peng Li, Innovation & Expertise Engineer, Engie Green

PO164: Blockchain - What is it, and what does it do for renewables?
Ms Elaine Greig, BSc MEng CEng MBA MIET, Director, The Renewables Consulting Group

PO166: Down-regulation and individual blade control as lifetime extension enablers
Vasilis Pettas, Research Assistant, Stuttgart Wind Energy / University of Stuttgart
End of life issues

PO167: Hyper-inflation of offshore wind life expectancy: walking the talk
Ragna Schmidt-Haupt, Partner, Everoze
End of life issues

PO168: Securing the Supply of Rare-Earth Elements for Nd-Fe-B Permanent Magnets in Wind Energy Applications
Jürgen Gassmann, Head of Department, Fraunhofer Project Group IWKS
End of life issues

PO169: Model Calibration of an On-shore Wind Turbine using Vibration Sensors
Fabrice Guillemin, Wind turbine control project manager, IFP Energies nouvelles
End of life issues

PO172: Lifetime extension: a methodology to extend the lifetime of wind turbines
Fabrice Estezet, Head of Type Certifcation, Bureau Veritas
End of life issues

PO173: Can end of life mean a new beginning? Assessing the options
Emilie Reeve, Associate Director, The Renewables Consulting Group
End of life issues

PO174: Waste management in decom - Challenges and opportunities of recycling in the wind industry
Morten Dallov Ibsen, Project manager, NIRAS A/S
End of life issues

PO175: Validating An Automated Bat and Bird Mortality Monitoring System: A Case Study
Brogan Morton, Senior Product Manager, NRG Systems
Environmental impacts, social acceptance & spatial planning

PO176: Validation of Bat Deterrent Effectiveness Through Full-scale Testing on Several Wind Plants
Brogan Morton, Senior Product Manager, NRG Systems
Environmental impacts, social acceptance & spatial planning

PO177: Better business on a better planet – eliminating carbon emissions in the wind industry supply chain
Christopher Springham, Vice President, Global Communications and Sustainability, LM Wind Power - a GE Renewable Energy Business
Environmental impacts, social acceptance & spatial planning

PO179: An introduction of German wind energy planning procedures into China
Jinjin Guan, MSc., Ph.D student, Geography Institute
Environmental impacts, social acceptance & spatial planning

PO181: Landscape visual impact evaluation in ohshore wind farm planning
Jinjin Guan, MSc., Ph.D student, Geography Institute
Environmental impacts, social acceptance & spatial planning

PO182: New Markets, New Challenges – Risks on earthquakes and typhoons in Taiwan waters
Christian Apeah, Team Leader Technology, Wood Group
Environmental impacts, social acceptance & spatial planning

PO183: Offshore wind in the Baltic Sea – a study for the Baltic InteGrid project identifying the breakdown and location of 35GW by 2050
Giles Hundleby, Director, BVG Associates
Environmental impacts, social acceptance & spatial planning

PO184: Minimization of impacts of wind farms on biodiversity in Greece – A Summary of LIFE12BIO/GR/000554 project results
Eftihia Tzen, Mechanical Engineer, CEng, CENTER FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES
Environmental impacts, social acceptance & spatial planning

PO185: Social-economic-environmental impacts of the implementation of wind farms in Brazil
Mario González, Professor, Federal University of Rio Grande of Norte
Environmental impacts, social acceptance & spatial planning

PO186: Spatial planning of wind farms in Greece: arising environmental concerns and how to tackle them
Andreas Vlamakis, senior project manager, ENTEKA SA
Environmental impacts, social acceptance & spatial planning

PO187: Use of converter slag as ballast for offshore windmills foundations
Ana-Maria Iosif, PhD, Research engineer, Global R&D, Sintering & By-Products, ArcelorMittal
Environmental impacts, social acceptance & spatial planning

PO188: Financing US$16bn of Off Shore Wind in Taiwan
Charles Yates, Managing director, CmY Consultants
Financing wind energy

PO189: FINANCING WIND POWER PROJECTS IN UKRAINE: Unveiling opportunities and challenges.
Svitlana Teush, Legal Counsel, Redcliffe Partners law firm
Financing wind energy

Ioannis Anagnostopoulos, Board Member, Regulatory Authority for Energy
Financing wind energy

PO192: Wind parks as Merchant Assets? – Innovative legal risk mitigation when marketing renewable power via Corporate PPAs
Gerd Stuhlmacher, Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright LLP
Financing wind energy

PO193: How corporate PPAs mittigate electricity price risk for wind power producers
Uli Südhoff, Director Strategic Development EMEA Wind, GE Renewable Energy
Financing wind energy

PO194: Using Informed Management Decision Making to Improve Business and Safety Performance: A Work Management System Approach
Rakesh Maharaj, Technical Lead, ARMSA Consulting
Health & safety

PO195: Standardization of TP design
Wouter Haring, Head of Design Department, Geosea N.V.
Health & safety

PO196: Reporting of Hazardous situation/near miss/unsafe acts: Use of Risk Reporter
Charline D'Hoekers, HSE Manager Offshore, Senvion
Health & safety

PO197: Generation of a Quality Guideline for the Treatment of Unexploded Ordnance Faced During Offshore Wind Park Construction
Torsten Frey, Research Fellow, Institute for Infrastructure and Resources Management - Leipzig University
Health & safety

PO198: Airbag inflator technology activating Stand-Alone Fire Suppression Equipment
Emilie Ayel, Business Developer, ARIANEGROUP
Health & safety

PO198a: Dropped object prevention lessons from oil & gas
Øystein Bruncell Larsen, Offshore Business Development Manager, ABS
Health & safety

PO199: Floating offshore wind energy – New challenges for ports, quay sides and logistics
Dr. Pascal Sommer, Senior Consultant, 8.2 Consulting AG
Installation & Logistics

PO200: NKT Victoria: balancing vessel design and equipment philosophy - case study
Gavin Rippe, Business Director, MAATS Tech Ltd.
Installation & Logistics

PO201: Human-free offshore lifting solutions
Mareike Leimeister, Research Associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)
Installation & Logistics

PO202: HMPE solutions in wind Energy. What are the benefits of a HMPE fiber solution compared to steel wire?
Maud Roeters, Business Development Manager, DSM Dyneema
Installation & Logistics

PO207: The Ampelmann A400 system - Converting market demands into a flexible, Walk to Work solution
Tim Börner, Business Development Manager, Ampelmann Operations BV
Installation & Logistics

PO208: A Financial Algorithm for Computing the Levelized Cost (US$/MWh;€/MWh) of Storing Wind Power (LCOS)
Michael STAVY, MBA, CPA (inactive), Consultant, Renewable Energy Technology and Finance
Integrating wind into the energy system

PO209: Hybrid Auxiliary Power Supply System for Offshore Wind Farm
Dr. Niya Chen, Senior scientist, ABB Corporate Research
Integrating wind into the energy system

PO210: "CESAR" Project for replacing traditional power stations by wind turbines
Adrian Rapas, Inventor, Adrian Rapas, Inventor
Integrating wind into the energy system

PO211: Day ahead wind farm power production forecast using a high resolution mesoscale model and various downscaling techniques
Dr. Catherine Meissner, Software Development Manager, Windsim
Integrating wind into the energy system
PO212: "CESAR" project for the implementation of a european policy for energy integration (Energy Union) Wind Dam
Hans Guldentops, Business Developer, Adrian Rapas, Inventor
Integrating wind into the energy system

PO213: Meterological conditions that feavour wind powered heat supply
Hans Georg Beyer, Professor, University of the Faroe Islands
Integrating wind into the energy system

PO214: Fair analysis to understanding the influence of the grid’s background distortion on the wind turbine’s harmonic emission
Mohamad El Ghouti, M.Sc., Power Quality Engineer, DNV GL
Integrating wind into the energy system

PO216: Experience gained in and guidance for overvoltage ride-through testing
Robert Johnston Brown, B.E. (Hons), M.Sc., Project Manager, Power Quality, DNV GL
Integrating wind into the energy system

PO217: Technical-Economic analysis of electrical architectures for offshore wind farms
Léo Dalmar, MSc, Research Engineer, SuperGrid Institute
Integrating wind into the energy system

PO218: Dynamic Performance Improvement of Power Systems by Synchronous Condenser
Elif Inan, Network Consultant, SIEMENS AG
Integrating wind into the energy system

PO219: Large-scale wind generation simulations: From the analysis of current installations to modelling the future
Dr Matti Koivisto, Postdoc, DTU Wind Energy
Integrating wind into the energy system

PO220: A methodology for a simplified static-dynamic design of the umbilical cable for floating Offshore Renewable Energy structures
Francesco Boscolo Papo, Offshore Energy Area Researcher, Tecnalia Research & Innovation
Integrating wind into the energy system

PO221: Analyzing the effect of the sliding feed-in premium scheme to the revenues of a wind farm with the use of mesoscale data - case study of Greece
Konstantinos Loukidis, Project - Operations Manager, ENTEKA S.A.
Integrating wind into the energy system

PO222: Required Torque Gradients to test the Power Production Load Cases for Electrical Certification on the Test Bench
Abdul Baseer, M. Eng., Research Associate, Center for Wind Power Drives
Integrating wind into the energy system

PO223: Geographical optimization of renewable energy portfolios with regards to output risks in New York State independent system operator (NYISO)
Ilya Karnaukhov, Graduate Student, Columbia University
Integrating wind into the energy system

PO224: Future-proof renewables
Rob van Gerwen, Senior Consultant, DNV GL
Integrating wind into the energy system

PO225: All in one software for the FOWT farm mooring and electrical design
Matthieu Pettinotti, R&D Project Manager, EOLFI
Integrating wind into the energy system

PO226: Focus on- Compliance Monitoring!
Jenny Bünger, Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing., FGH GmbH
Integrating wind into the energy system

PO227: Reliable, greener, flexible and cost effective electrical power for offshore users
Wei He, Principal reseracher, Statoil Petroleum AS
Integrating wind into the energy system

PO228: IEA Wind Task 36 Forecasting
Gregor Giebel, Senior Scientist, DTU Wind Energy
Integrating wind into the energy system

PO229: IEC 61400-25 Wind Power Plant Communication under the aspects of cyber risks and complience to security standards
Bertram Lange, Head of Application Wind, USE 61400-25
Integrating wind into the energy system

PO230: The role of wind energy in decarbonising the European energy system with strong sector couplings
Martin Greiner, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Integrating wind into the energy system

PO231: Blockchain – A new approach to decentralised Energy
Dirk Briese, Managing Director, wind:research
Integrating wind into the energy system

PO232: TotalControl – Advanced integrated control of large-scale wind power plants and wind turbines
Gregor Giebel, Senior Scientist, DTU Wind Energy
Integrating wind into the energy system

PO233: Concert - control and uncertainties in Real-Time power curves of offshore wind power plants
Gregor Giebel, Senior Scientist, DTU Wind Energy
Integrating wind into the energy system
PO234: Recommended Practices for wind and solar PV integration studies - IEA expert group collaboration
Dr Hannele Holttinen, Principal Scientist, VTT Technical Research Center of Finland
Integrating wind into the energy system

PO236: Set up a Control and Monitoring Room for Today’s Power Plants
Dino Esposito, Corporate Digital Strategist, BaxEnergy
Operations & maintenance

PO237: Structural Health Monitoring Used as Asset Management Tool in Offshore Wind Farms
Jens Krieger, technical director, airwerk GmbH
Operations & maintenance

PO238: Towards a Health and Usage Monitoring System for Wind Turbines
David Futter, FInstP, Product Manager, Bachman Monitoring
Operations & maintenance

PO239: Artificial Intelligence Powered "Service Train" for Offshore Blade Assessments
Anders Røpke, CEO, Wind Power Lab
Operations & maintenance

PO240: Innovative methods for wind turbine power curve upgrade assessment
Ludovico Terzi, Technology manager, Renvico srl
Operations & maintenance

PO241: Proven Offshore Wind Power Coating Solutions for newbuilding
Kent Holm, Global Wind Power Segment Manager, PPG
Operations & maintenance

PO242: What to expect in the next generation of offshore wind Operations and Maintenance (O&M)
Owen Murphy, Team Leader; Turbines, ORE Catapult
Operations & maintenance

PO243: iWindCr solution for corrosion detection and monitoring of offshore wind turbine structures
Dr Juan Ahuir-Torres, PhD, Research Associate, University of Portsmouth
Operations & maintenance

PO245: Enhancing condition monitoring: remote maintenance enables to reduce offshore wind turbine maintenance costs
Michael Slembeck, Manager Renewable Energy Global, SKF Lubrication Systems Germany GmbH
Operations & maintenance

PO246: Comparative analysis of binning and Gaussian Process based blade pitch angle curve of a wind turbine for the purpose of condition monitoring
University of Strathclyde Ravi Pandit, PhD(pursuing), PhD Student, Mrs
Operations & maintenance

PO247: Challenges on modelling more than 12.000 WTG
Ander Larrañaga, Energy Chief Business Development Officer, NEM Solutions
Operations & maintenance

PO248: Use of digital modelling for the design of power conversion systems in the wind sector
Ion Etxarri, Team Leader, R&D Wind, Ingeteam Power Technology
Operations & maintenance

PO249: What does "Big Data" mean for practical turbine availability?
Dr Fabrice Drommi, Machine Health Development, SKF
Operations & maintenance

PO250: Using UAV Imagery and Deep Learning for Wind Turbine Inspection
Dr. Thomas Bahr, Sr. Solutions Engineer Europe, Harris Geospatial Solutions
Operations & maintenance

PO252: Compact test voltage source for field diagnosis of wind turbine transformers
Tobias Miessler, Area Sales Manager, HIGHVOLT Prüftechnik Dresden GmbH
Operations & maintenance

PO253: Learning from the machine: techniques and statistical algorithms for cleaning and interrogating wind turbine SCADA data
Matthew Zhang, Specialist - Energy Resource Services, Lloyd's Register
Operations & maintenance

PO255: Inspection of Offshore Wind Turbine Rotor Blades by thermography and acoustic monitoring
Nicholas Balaresque, Managing Director, Deutsche WindGuard Engineering GmbH
Operations & maintenance

PO257: A new standard in monitoring operational wind farm performance through SCADA-integrated wind Lidar
Alex Woodward, Head of Product Development, Zephir Ltd
Operations & maintenance

PO258: Flight Phase Control Strategies for Airborne Wind Energy Systems
John Warnock, Research Assistant, University of Strathclyde
Operations & maintenance

PO259: Improved Method for Wind Turbine Main Gearbox Gear Repair
Martin McCormick, Sales Manager, REM Surface Engineering Ltd
Operations & maintenance

PO260: Fleet Level Prognosis Method for Wind Converter
Dr. Niya Chen, Senior scientist, ABB Corporate Research
Operations & maintenance

PO261: Intelligent corrosion protection systems at sea keep maintenance costs under control
Martin van Leeuwen, MSc., Manager, Technology & Market Development, International Zinc Association
Operations & maintenance

PO262: Investigating the structural behavior of wind turbines on the basis of mechanical load measurements
Dr. Anna Wegner, Research Associate, Fraunhofer-IWES
Operations & maintenance

PO263: Forecasting of atmospheric icing – validation and wind energy applications
Rolv Erlend Bredesen, Adviser, Kjeller Vindteknikk AS
Operations & maintenance

PO265: Modelling apporach of failures to improve structural health monitoring systems
Samuel Leupold, Research Associate, Chair for Wind Power Drives
Operations & maintenance

PO266: Automated operation to enhance operating wind farms profitability
Dr Alejandro Cabrera, CEO, AEE
Operations & maintenance

PO267: From Screen to Scream
Mark Spring, Principal Engineer, Renewables O&M, Lloyd's Register
Operations & maintenance

PO268: Health estimation and failure prediction of wind turbines components based on correlation changes among significant variables from SCADA data
Mattia Beretta, PhD student, UPC
Operations & maintenance

PO269: Reducing the cost of construction, operations & maintenance with real-time sea state data
Breanne Gellatly, Director of Business Development & Strategic Alliances, AXYS Technologies
Operations & maintenance

PO272: Root Cause Analysis or Why this is happening to me
Carlos Albero, Head of Section AOM, DNV GL
Operations & maintenance

PO275: Understanding structural degradation of wind turbine gearbox materials
Mr Valter Luiz Jantara Junior, BEng, Researcher, University of Birmingham
Operations & maintenance

PO276: Taking over a new site – practical considerations
Alistair Parlett, Head of Asset Management, Natural Power
Operations & maintenance

PO277: Condition monitoring of 88km long Offshore HVDC Power Cable: comparison of DTS and as built data
Baz Matvichuk , Vice President, Sales, Omnisens
Operations & maintenance

PO278: Bringing O&M in-house and achieving the goal of Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)
Giacomo Barbieri, Production Optimization Dpt., ERG
Operations & maintenance

PO280: Multi-task distribution learning approach to anomaly detection of operational states of wind turbines
Stephan Vogt, Research Assistant, Fraunhofer IEE
Operations & maintenance

PO281: Factors affecting the use of Performance Measurement Systems in wind farms Operation & Maintenance
Mario González, Professor, Federal University of Rio Grande of Norte
Operations & maintenance

PO282: O&M Cost-Based FMECA: Identification and Ranking of the Most Critical Components for 2-4 MW Geared Offshore Wind Turbines
Debora Cevasco, EngD Student, Cranfield University
Operations & maintenance

PO285: China offshore wind - a logistics perspective
Thomas Poulsen, MBA, Founder, Managing Partner, Renewable Energy Solutions
Supply chain & procurement

PO286: 1STOP BLADE improvements and maintenance
Anders Røpke, CEO, Wind Power Lab
Supply chain & procurement

PO287: Human Resource Challenges in the wind energy supply chain
Thomas Hopkinson, CEO, Taylor Hopkinson
Supply chain & procurement

PO289: Effect of electricity markt price uncertainty modelling on the profitability assessment of offshore wind energy through an integrated lifecycle techno-economic model
Anastasia Ioannou, Cranfield University
Supply chain & procurement

PO291: Sector Coupling – connecting electricity, heat and mobility
Dirk Briese, Managing Director, wind:research
Using wind to decarbonise heating, transport and other sectors