ProceedingsProgrammeSpeakersPostersCompanies presentingScientific papersDay partnersPhilip Totaro

Founder & CEO, Totaro & Associates
Philip Totaro is the founder & CEO of Totaro & Associates, LLC a market research and strategic advisory firm founded in 2010. He is regarded worldwide as the industry's foremost expert on technology trends, including digitalization. Previously he has worked as head of innovation and intelligence at Clipper Windpower, focusing on both onshore and offshore wind for more than 10 years. Today at Totaro & Associates, he is providing reports, tools & consulting services to enable better decision making around business strategy, IP licensing, innovation & product development. He has helped cultivate & disposition over 550 innovations, & his assessments have led to over 320 issued patents. His strategic market analysis has led to the funding justification of over US$600M in R&D investment & the development of multi-million dollar product & service offerings. He has provided legal & technical due-diligence for over US$1.8B in M&A.Presenter
- Poster Session - System Integration & Digitalisation
Commercial Value of Data Has Increased Thanks to Digitalisation