
Morten Dallov Ibsen

Project manager, NIRAS A/S


Professional experience: Working for many years as a consultant in demolition and decommissioning projects, Morten has gathered a wide range of experience covering: Feasibility studies and decommissioning of wind turbines, wind turbine foundations, OHVS (offshore high voltage station) topside, OHVS foundation and inner array cables and also the mapping and managing of hazardous materials. Morten is educated BSc in Civil Engineering from the Danish University of Technology and has before employment at NIRAS, been working as a specialist in nuclear decommissioning, as a main contractor with building renovation and as a subcontractor conducting environmental remediation. Specific projects: Morten is the NIRAS project leader on the ongoing LEMS project (Les ‘Eoliennes en Mer Services) which develops a conceptual decommissioning study for the pre-feed of 2 offshore windfarms in France. Morten has also been instrumental in the ODIN project establishing a management system for the full decommissioning process for offshore wind turbine farms. Morten was further more involved on the decommissioning of the world´s first off-shore windfarm Vindeby, Denmark.
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