ProceedingsProgrammeSpeakersPostersCompanies presentingScientific papersDay partnersJasper Winkes

Director, Fistuca BV
Jasper Winkes is the founder and director of Fistuca BV. He graduated in 2008 in Mechanical Engineering (Combustion Technology) at the Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands. Following his graduation, he founded Fistuca BV, in order to develop innovations in the field of foundation equipment and to deliver engineering services for pile driving equipment. In 2011, Fistuca BV began developing BLUE Piling Technology, which allows silent offshore pile driving. Following an investment by Huisman Equipment, Fistuca began constructing world’s largest hammer, dedicated to driving monopiles faster, more quiet and with very low fatigue levels.Presenter
- Innovations in offshore logistics & installation
The BLUE PILOT Project