ProgrammeSpeakersPostersContent PartnersProgramme Committee & abstracts reviewersStudent programmePresenters’ dashboardCome meet the poster presenters to ask them questions and discuss their work
We would like to invite you to come and see the posters at our upcoming conference. The posters will showcase a diverse range of research topics, and will give delegates an opportunity to engage with the authors and learn more about their work. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or simply curious about the latest developments in your field, we believe that the posters will offer something of interest to everyone. So please join us at the conference and take advantage of this opportunity to learn and engage with your peers in industry and the academic community.
On 9 April at 17:15, we’ll also hold the main poster session and distinguish the 7 best posters of this year’s edition with our traditional Poster Awards Ceremony. Join us at the poster area to cheer and meet the laureates, and enjoy some drinks with all poster presenters!
We look forward to seeing you there!
PO001: A Cross-Platform Preprocessing and Visualization Tool for OpenFAST Wind Turbine Analysis
Shawn Meng, Consulting Engineer, Tech Soft 3D

PO002: IoT vs. Cybersecurity: Meeting The Conflicting Mega Trends in Wind Systems
Jiunn-Jer Sun, Network & Cybersecurity Specialist, Nordic Hub, PHOENIX CONTACT

PO003: Contactless telemetry system for data acquisition on rotors of large electrical machines.
Marius Meiswinkel, Scientific Assistant, Institute for Electrical Drives, Power Electronics and Devices

PO004: A Systematic Approach to Digitalizing Offshore Wind O&M
Drashya Goel, Customer Value Advisor, Spinergie
PO005: Scaling of machine learning for increasingly heterogeneous WTGs
Rasmus Frederiksen, Data Scientist, Siemens Energy

PO006: How can organisational culture influence digitalisation of the wind energy sector? Design and implementation of the IEA Wind Task 43 Culture Questionnaire
Sarah Barber, Head of Wind Energy Innovation Division, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences

PO007: How Digital transformation of O&M practices can enhance asset performance
Sonia Lalli, Renewables Lead UK & Ireland, Accenture

PO008: Securing Europe's green energy - Strategies for NIS2 and cyber resilience
Boim Kim, Consultant, PEAK Wind

PO009: Securing the energy transition through vessel digitalisation
Andrew Duncan, Renewables & Innovations Director, North Star

PO012: Optimizing hybrid wind-battery systems for full integration: a market-focused approach for Europe
Nuri Şensoy, Head of Data, Senkron Energy Digital Services

PO013: Physics-based, data-augmented model for wind turbine control design
Jalal Heidari, Doctoral researcher, Ghent University

PO014: Defect pattern detection in a group of wind turbines gearboxes using vibrations and deep learning
Emerson Lima, Head of Condition Analysis Center (CAC), Aqtech

PO015: Secure data sharing protocol for advancing floating wind energy: a cryptographic approach.
Claudia Bartoli Duncan, Reseacher, IMDEA Software Institute

PO016: An integrated machine learning and signal processing pipeline for bolt tension measurement using bi-wave ultrasonics
Joshua Scott, Director, Research and Innovation, Predictant

PO017: Community-driven wind energy domain information models
Yuriy Marykovskiy, PhD Student / Researcher, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences

PO018: Equation-based load-flow calculation of an offshore wind farm
Julius Krah, Power system consultant, Vattenfall

PO019: Offshore & floating wind regulatory context in Japan
Jonathan Boutrot, Market Leader - Marine Renewable Energies, Bureau Veritas

PO020: The pivotal role of offshore wind farms in shipping decarbonisation.
Larissa Toledo, Head of Legal & Regulatory, Stillstrom

PO021: Connection concepts for Germany's far out North Sea offshore wind areas for an efficient energy transition and energy system integrated approach
Robert Seehawer, Managing Director, AquaVentus Förderverein

PO022: Is hydrogen a viable route-to-market for offshore wind projects, or an unbankable distraction?
Martha Samano, Manager, Energy & Resources, Baringa Partners

PO023: Powering the Future: A World-First Offshore Charging Breakthrough
Jochem Vermeir, R&D Manager, Parkwind
PO024: Offshore wind and hydrogen - essential components of a just energy transition
Emma Swiergon, Senior Technology Advisor, Net Zero Technology Centre

PO026: Planning Port Infrastructure for the Green Fuels of the (near) Future
Leon Lammers, Senior consultant Port Development Offshore Wind, Royal HaskoningDHV

PO027: A digital recipe for green energy business cases
Anna Korolko, BD and Origination Manager, Aker Solutions

PO028: Design of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine platform dedicated to Hydrogen Production
Bertrand Auriac, Floater and Mooring Design Principal Engineer, Seaway7

PO030: Offshore wind and Power-to-X: A Brazil case study
Andressa Medeiros Santiso, Researcher, Creation Research Group - UFRN

PO032: Cost optimal sizing and operation of renewable energy and direct line connected hydrogen production
Bernd Okkels, Technical Director, Grid Connection and System Integration, ERM

PO034: Offshore wind production and mussel farming in the Belgian part of the North Sea, how about it's environmental impacts along the value chain? An ecosystem and life cycle-based approach for an informed decision making.
Sue Taelman, Innovation officer for offshore wind energy, Ghent University

PO035: Ecological and structural results of NID solutions for offshore wind and grid infrastructure
Yaeli Rosenberg, Head of Biology, Econcrete
PO037: The benefits of national social and environmental constraints mapping to support wind energy development
Nicola Lee , Partner, EMEA regional Renewables Lead, ERM

PO038: Principles for sustainable decommissioning
Marjolein Kelder, Senior Projectmanager, Natuur & Milieu / The Rich North Sea

PO039: Investigation of shadow/flickering in operational windfarms in Greece
Konstantinos Gkarakis, Energy Engineer MSc, MA, MBA, PhDc, University of West Attica

PO040: Promoting wind energy acceptance through a new framework and interactive web-based tool.
Roopali Bhatnagar, Postdoc, Copenhagen Business School

PO043: New industry guidance from the IUCN on biodiversity and renewable energy development
Peter Burston, The Biodiversity Consultancy

PO044: Diligent examination of the potential for developing floating offshore wind farms in Irish waters in light of the ambitious goal to install 37 GW of offshore wind energy by 2050
Krzysztof Szczepaniec, PhD research at DkIT, Dundalk Institute of Technology

PO045: The co-existence challenge - key considerations to minimize negative interactions between offshore wind and commercial fishing
Sara Xoubanova, Country Director (Spain) and Global Advisory Services Lead, Brown & May Marine Ltd

PO046: Towards zero embedded carbon emissions for wind parks - a roadmap for copper
Olivier Tissot, Market Development Manager, International Copper Association Europe
PO047: Land coverage of wind energy facilities - case study of Greece
Andreas Vlamakis, Environmental policy expert, Hellenic Wind Energy Association

PO048: Vision for the greater North Sea for 2040
Sophie de Reus, Project Lead Nature Friendly Offshore Energy, The North Sea Foundation

PO050: Black blades: A comparative study into the flight behavior of birds around turbines with white and black blades
Joep Breuer, Senior Consultant Wind Energy, TNO

PO051: BioReef: Marine nature restoration of European flat oysters and horse mussels in the Danish North Sea region
Henrike Semmler Le, Senior Advisor, Oceans and Fisheries, WWF Denmark

PO052: Bird monitoring in DemoSATH LAB.
Ane Ugena, Master on Environmental Science, Saitec

PO053: Digital approaches to widen stakeholder engagement
Lisa Cousins, Associate Director - Business Design, Accenture

PO054: Potential impacts of the associations between onshore wind farms and other human-induced threats to biodiversity: present vs future
Antonella Gorosábel, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Copenhagen

PO057: Mapping cumulative impacts for improved insights into the sustainability of offshore wind
Øivin Aarnes, Principal Specialist, DNV

PO058: Nature inclusive scour protection design from ideation to implementation
Batool Soleimani Roody, Project Engineer, Mecal

PO059: Overcoming challenges with assessing collision risk for offshore wind farms
Aonghais Cook, Marine Biodiversity Specialist, The Biodiversity Consultancy

PO060: Improvements in direct bird collision measurements for wind turbines
Joep Breuer, Senior Consultant Wind Energy, TNO

PO061: Wind power deployment and community benefits in our "backyards" - the role of perceptions and expectations - empirical analysis and case studies
Andrea Pittaluga, Senior Sustainability Advisor, Statkraft

PO064: Enhancing offshore wind development: A new biodiversity LCA framework for net-positive ecological impact
Yuki Esser, Head of Operations, Dutch Marine Energy Centre

PO065: The WIMBY interactive map and forum: a tool for high level planning and impacts assessment of wind farms in Europe.
Luis Ramirez Camargo, Assistant Professor, Utrecht University

PO066: Bat Monitoring in a floating offshore wind platform in Spain: DemoSATH
Natalia Velez, Master in Science in Marine Resources Management, Saitec

PO067: State-of-the-art of the legislative framework for the development of the offshore wind farms in the Baltic States and Poland
Leila Neimane, Post-doctoral researcher, University of Latvia

PO068: Renaturalization across the wind marine value chain: ports, jackets, cabling & substations.
Anna Lloveras, Chief Science Officer, Ocean Ecostructures

PO069: Floating wind foundations: commodity or specialist product?
Joao Cruz, Principal Consultant, Arup

PO071: Floating Wind MCR Operations: Data-Driven Analysis and Model Validation
Dalina Vecchi, Lead Consultant / O&M Business Case Team Lead, PEAK Wind

PO072: Floating offshore wind turbine alternative method to inclining test
Pierre-Alain Frémont, Hydrodynamics Engineer, SBM Offshore

PO073: A combined Accessibility and Workability quantitative analysis of a 15MW floating wind turbine
Thor Snedker, Team Lead - Modelling & Methods, PEAK Wind

PO074: WIND-bos Extendable Spar Dynamics and T&I Operations for a 25 MW WTG
Albert Meseguer, Lead Wind Turbine Egineer, BlueNewables

PO075: Dynamic simulation modeling (digital twin) of ports to support floating offshore wind.
Joshua Singer, Global Offshore Wind Ports Lead, Moffatt & Nichol

PO076: Industrialisation of next generation floating concepts: principles and lessons learned
Alex Raventos, CEO & Co-founder, X1 Wind

PO077: Onsite Major Component Replacement Strategy for Floating Offshore Wind: Breaking Down the Known-Unknowns
Manu Centeno-Telleria, PhD Candidate, Mondragon University

PO079: Transportation and installation recommendation for a tension-leg platform floating offshore substation
Hongbiao Song, Global Technical Leader, Offshore Wind, GE Grid Solutions

PO080: Field investigation into mooring Load Reduction Device performance in hurricane conditions at an offshore test site
Tom Doyle, Technical Director, Dublin Offshore Technology

PO081: Main aspects and logistical factors in the installation of floating offshore wind farms.
Monalisa Godeiro, Senior reseacher, Creation Research Group/UFRN

PO082: A novel methodology for the estimation of offshore wind potential in the Mediterranean Sea
Alberto Ghigo, PhD Student, Politecnico di Torino

PO083: Advancing Floating Offshore Wind Technology: Real-Scale Validation of the 2MW DemoSATH Prototype
Manuel Fernández, Hydrodynamic Engineer, Saitec Offshore Technologies

PO084: Early O&M Assurance and Readiness is vital to mitigate floating wind commercial and operational risks and improves market confidence and investor returns.
Vicky Goodwin, O&M Technical Authority, Flotation Energy

PO085: Provence Grand Large: a key project in terms of harbor practices, lessons learnt and industrial de-risking before large-scale commercial floating wind farms
Ducrocq Aymeric, Offshore Wind Director - EDF Renewables, EDF Renouvelables

PO087: Grid Code Standardization: a key enabler for Offshore Wind Farms deployment acceleration.
Fernando Sada, Sr. Director of Grid Connection and Electrical Works, BlueFloat Energy

PO088: Enabling Grid Code Compliant Wind Farm Connections via Enhanced STATCOM Technology
Andrew Owens, Product Manager, Hitachi Energy

PO089: Captured electricity price of an offshore multi-source park in different future energy mix scenarios
Alva Bechlenberg, Energy Solution Analyst, Dutch Marine Energy Centre

PO090: Technical layout and design rules for multi-source parks
Sarah Kluge, Project Manager, Dutch Marine Energy Centre
PO091: Families of energy hubs in the Netherlands
Edward Pfeijffer, Leading Professional Energy Systems, Royal HaskoningDHV

PO092: Development of a methodology for precise prediction of electrical performance and losses in wind energy systems using PandaPower.
Jan Ackermann, Junior Wind & Site Assessment, PAVANA GmbH

PO093: Storage System Requirements for Storage-Augmented Offshore Wind Park in the North Sea.
Vincent Bonnin, Energy Solution Analyst, Dutch Marine Energy Centre

PO094: Wind Energy Penetration and BESS Zonal Analysis in Spanish Market
Juan de Dios López Leiva, Technical and Industrial Director, Asociación Empresarial Eólica (AEE)

PO095: Grid Forming Requirements Evolution in Spanish Market
Juan de Dios López Leiva, Technical and Industrial Director, Asociación Empresarial Eólica (AEE)

PO096: Conceptualization and optimization studies for offshore wind farms- techno-economic consideration
Mario Pérez Rodríguez, Energy Consultant, Hitachi Energy

PO100: Accelerating wind generation connections through supply chain development - a national strategic approach
Freddie van der Linde, Global Solutions Director T&D, Jakobs

PO103: Solving intermittency - designing renewable energy plants for constant power output
Marten de Vries, Solar/Battery Developer NL / Hybrid park analyst, Vattenfall

PO104: Participation of wind farms in voltage control in the transmission grid of Serbia
Miroslav Zerajic, PhD student, University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering

PO105: On a Workflow for HVDC Multi-terminal Design, Analysis and Simulation
Sid Ahmed Attia, Principal Engineer & Industry Manager, The MathWorks GmbH

PO106: Analysis of Inter-Annual Variability of the wind resource over Europe: Overview and evolution over time
Marion Jude, Technical lead - Wind & Solar, Eoltech

PO107: Leveraging seasonal forecasts to anticipate and mitigate wind drought impacts.
Yazmina Zurita Martel, R&D Data Scientist, Nebbo Weather Solutions S.L.

PO108: New concepts für wind turbine power curve testing in complex terrain
Albers Axel, Managing Director, Deutsche WindGuard Consulting GmbH

PO109: Turbulence intensity estimation using MPAS via two methods and comparison with WRF/measurements
Eric Tromeur, Director Research, Innovation, Service and Expertise, Meteodyn

PO110: Validation of TurbOPark wake model for a large onshore site
Matthew Zhang, Resource Modelling Manager, BP

PO111: Improving the accuracy of mesoscale wind data through monthly and directional calibration using 10-minute average SCADA data
Juliette Krug, Project Engineer - Onshore Renewables - Renewables, Tractebel

PO112: Let's face it - EYA's still aren't right.
Charlie Plumley, Senior Performance Engineer, Nuveen Infrastructure

PO114: Wake modelling in onshore stable atmospheric conditions
Dana Lukassen, Team Leader Advisory / Principal Renewable Energy Consultant, Wood PLC

PO115: Measurement uncertainty for the envelope of operational conditions of the EOLOS floating lidar system
Jose Miguel Garro Fernandez, Data Scientist, EOLOS Floating Lidar Solutions

PO116: Precision Through Placement: Optimizing Met Mast Boom Orientation
Martin Richter-Rose, Head of Department Energy Yield Assessment and R&Dhead of Department Energy Yield Assessment and R&D, PAVANA GmbH

PO117: Wake model validation in the offshore environment
David Nicol, Business Development Manager, Wood PLC

PO118: How will wind farm power production change towards 2050?
Emilie Iversen, Senior advisor, Kjeller Vindteknikk

PO119: Enhancing PPA bid Competitiveness in Clustered Offshore Conditions using Climate Change models
mouhamet Diallo, wind and solar expert, Tractebel

PO120: Mesoscale correction of microscale wind maps
Ove Undheim, Principal wind resource analyst, Statkraft
PO121: Validation study of an Icing Atlas
Timo Karlsson, Senior Scientist, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.

PO122: Validity and applicability of mesoscale wind farm parametrization and LES offshore wind farm wake models
Rémi Gandoin, Senior Specialist and Product Development Manager, C2Wind

PO123: Revisiting Grid Availability Loss in Wind Power Energy Estimations
Nurseda YILDIRIM YURUSEN, Project Engineer- Asset & Sustainability Performance, UL Solutions

PO124: Estimating hourly production profiles using a calibrated mesoscale dataset accounting for time-based technical and environmental losses
Thomas Hallemeesch, Junior Project Engineer - Onshore Renewables, Tractebel

PO125: How neural networks can improve turbulence intensity measured by ground-based, continuous wave lidars
Ginka Yankova, Senior Development Engineer, DTU

PO126: Combining scanning and VAD lidars on a TLP met mast for optimum P90 of large OWFs.
Dimitri Foussekis, Senior wind analyst & SCADA specialist, ETME

PO127: Impact of Resource Uncertainties on the Design of FloatingOffshore Wind Turbines
Markel Penalba, Lecturer & Researcher, Mondragon University

PO128: A data-driven approach to wind-turbine icing
Kjetil Thøgersen, Data Scientist, Statkraft

PO129: A new global, consistent and validated approach to Wind Speed Inter-Annual Variability calculation.
Neil Atkinson, Principal Specialist, Analysis Services, K2 Management

PO130: New year, new problem: The definition of a year can impact a project's preconstruction value
Billy Keegan, Analyst, Analysis Services, K2 Management

PO131: How to prove consistency in floating lidar measurement performance over time and thereby reduce uncertainties in offshore wind resource assessment
Jens Riechert, Senior Measurement Specialist, EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG

PO132: A probabilistic model for high-wind hysteresis
Morten Nielsen, Senior Scientist, DTU

PO133: Impact of climate change in energy yield assessment.
Elie Gournay, Wind Analysis Team Leader, Wood PLC

PO136: Techno-economic wind potential in germany at the municipal level considering state -specific regulations
Thorsten Reichartz, Research Scientist, Center for Wind Power Drives

PO139: Lidar performance results in hot weather, dusty conditions and clean air
Mark Tristram, Director of Production, Supply Chain, Supplier Quality & Customer Experience, ZX Lidars

PO140: Storm Chasers: Targeted ADCP Data Collection in Storms to De-risk Offshore Wind Turbine Projects
Catherine Kelly, Marine Scientist, TechWorks Marine

PO141: A study on AI surrogates for accurate wind resource assessmentin complex terrains
Zahra Lakdawala, Research Scientist, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

PO142: Interrogating Wind from Space: Best Practices for Earth Observation in the Wind Energy Industry
Peter Coogan, Senior Earth Observation Scientist, TechWorks Marine

PO143: A hybrid methodology for addressing the challenges of wind resource assessment in mountainous terrain
Julien Deparday, Senior Scientist, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences

PO144: USVs: Platform for data acquisition for all phases of a windfarm project.
Ole Dahl Kristensen, Senior Lead Specialist, Ørsted

PO145: CFD correction of RSD data: analyzing the impact of thermal stability
Thales Delmiro, Project Engineer, CDV Desenvolvimento

PO147: Workshops and webinars from IEA Wind Task 51 Forecasting for the Weather Driven Energy System
Gregor Giebel, Head of Section, DTU Wind Energy

PO152: Wind Turbine Main Bearing Unit Case Study - Comparisonof the Power Density, Manufacturing Costs and CarbonFootprints of a cast and an AHD steel hollow forged rotorshaft
Christian Hollas, Research scientist, Center for Wind Power Drives

PO153: Bridging the gap - Optimizing onshore piled wind turbine foundation design by relaxing no-gapping criteria and assessing cyclic degradation
Thomas Lankreijer, Senior geotechnical engineer at WindBase, Windbase

PO154: Multi-Concept Substructure (MCS)
Stefano Vaccarone, CEng. MRina, Offshore Wind Structural Engineer, TotalEnergies

PO155: Acoustic noise optimization through blade angle adjustment - A successful case study
Martin Peters, Head of Measurement Technology, Green Wind Engineering GmbH

PO156: Why are not all turbines equipped with Lidar for feed-forward controls (yet)?
Aurelie JEANNIN, Market Development Manager, Vaisala

PO157: Simulative investigation of scaled testing of plain bearings as wind turbine main bearings
Jan Euler, Research Assistant, Center for Wind Power Drives

PO159: Standardization of Airborne Wind Energy Systems - expanding IEC 61400 for a novel technology
Kristian Petrick, Secretary General, Airborne Wind Europe

PO161: Methods to predict wave breaking and their impact on foundation design
Mark McAllister, Senior Metocean Scientist, Wood Thilsted

PO162: Large scale loop thermosyphons for fully passive cooling of wind turbines
Devin Pellicone, Engineering Manager, Product Development, Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc

PO163: Reduction of crosstalk effects in multi-component force and torque transducers for wind turbine test benches via geometrical design optimisation
Lukas Schmitz, Research Assistant, Center for Wind Power Drives
PO164: A parameter study of leading edge protection in a wind tunnel
Christian Bak, Professor, DTU Wind Energy

PO165: Wind tunnel testing of realistic leading edge roughness
Anders S. Olsen, Senior Development Engineer, DTU
Neeraj Paul Manelil, Research associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

PO170: Macro problems of micro scale: challenges in small wind turbines mechanical design and construction
Kornel Zawadzki, Student, Lodz University of Technology

PO171: Constraint optimizer for wind power plant operation center
Bruno Campos, Control and Automation Engineer, Automa

PO172: A Comprehensive Framework Based on SCADA Data Analysis About Static Errors Affecting Wind Turbine Performance
Ludovico Terzi, Technical Performance and Analysis Manager, ENGIE

PO177: Improving health & safety performance through smart performance indicators - a long journey worth taking
Annette Nienhaus, Partner, Safety Services, ERM

PO178: In situ Lightning Monitoring Systems (LMS) for improved wind farm operation
Søren Find Madsen, Head of Electrical & Mechanical, Polytech

PO179: Harmonising Through Education: T-shore's Approach to Wind Technician Training
Gerben Huiszoon, Project Manager, Scalda

PO180: OWA Design of Offshore Monopiles Including Seismic Interaction with Soil (DONISIS) project
Christina Starost, Associate - Offshore Wind, The Carbon Trust

PO181: Use of Digital Twin in power converters for edge computing the Remaining Useful Lifetime of Semiconductor Modules
Alberto Petri, Simulation Manager - R&D Technology - Converters & Controls - Wind Energy, Ingeteam Power Technology S.A

PO182: Impact of Front-End Decision-Making on Lifecycle Risk Management in Renewable Energy Projects
Khalida Suleymanova, Chief Implementation Officer, ARMSA Academy

PO185: New industry standard regarding product safety and EHS for offshore wind turbine power transformers
Martin A. Stoessl, Innovation and Standardisation, Siemens Energy

PO186: Predicting Main Bearing Failures with SCADA Data and Machine Learning: Validation Across a Large Fleet
Samuel Lima, Chief of Technology, Delfos Energy

PO188: Enhancing structural health monitoring with digital models
Ambroise Cadoret, R&D Wind Engineer, GreenWITS

PO189: Development of a probabilistic LCoE model for offshore wind farms
Lissie de la Torre Castro, Research Associate Offshore Logistics, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

PO190: A sensitivity study of fatigue life of monopile foundations using long term strain measurements and SCADA data
Ahmed Mujtaba, PhD Student, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

PO191: Ecologically enhanced scour protection, a case study.
Robert Lengkeek, Scour Protection Design Engineer, Van Oord

PO192: When can I trust my model? Data-centric machine learning model acceptability framework for farmwide lifetime assessment
Francisco de Nolasco Santos, Postdoc, OWI-lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussels

PO193: Building world-class port infrastructure for the offshore wind industry
Patrick Walison, Senior Consultant Offshore Wind & Port Economics, Royal HaskoningDHV

PO194: Underappreciated tail end costs. The advantages of staying with a proven platform.
Justin Garth Torpey, Lead consultant, Peak Wind

PO195: Automated yaw misalignment detection based on satellite imagery and numerical weather models
Samuel Davoust, Tech lead and Founder, Tipspeed

PO198: Merging Soft Skills with Industry Culture for High Performance in the Wind Sector
Paula Paterson, Solutions Director, FidesOak

PO200: Automating Insights and Actions in Renewable Energy Maintenance with Machine Learning
Silvio Rodrigues, Co-founder and CIO, Jungle AI

PO201: Investigating the impact of delayed blade installation on foundation lifetime
Stefan Steffensen, Senior Engineer, Wood Thilsted

PO203: Bringing prototype sensing to series: innovative load measurements based on shape sensors
Joana Martins, Development Engineer, Fibersail
Letícia Soares Teixeira de Souza, Researcher, Creation Group

PO205: Wind Turbine Generator Slip Ring Brush Health Monitoring Using Physics-based Model
Clément Jacquet, Engineer/Scientist III, EPRI

PO206: Case study: how pitch bearing monitoring may optimize wind farm maintainability
Paulo Gamba, Sales Specialist, Aqtech

PO207: Transfer process - EPC to O&M
Nivedhitha Balaraman, Consultant, PEAK Wind

PO208: CMS support in preventive maintenance actions to extend the useful life of direct drive turbine main bearings
Emerson Lima, Head of Condition Analysis Center (CAC), Aqtech

PO209: Drivers for the development of a port to support offshore wind energy
Luana Pereira Nogueira, Researcher, CREATION/UFRN

PO210: Enhanced Lightning Risk Assessment for Wind Turbine Portfolios: A Terrain and Layout-Inclusive Approach
Julien TISSOT, Head of Innovation, SkySpecs

PO211: New Port Concepts for Installing Offshore Wind Farms
David Melo, Researcher, Creation Research Group - UFRN

PO212: Impact on wind turbines lifetime due to high presence of shear values that exceeds standard limit
Eliana CORNALINO, Wind Energy Specialist, UTE

PO213: Estimation of potential production gains with wind farm control through wake steering
Marine Dupoiron, Wind farm control technical lead, GreenWITS

Andressa Medeiros Santiso, Researcher, Creation Research Group - UFRN

PO215: Wake steering optimization under fatigue load constraints: a bin-wise approach
Paolino Tona, Project Manager for Wind Farm Control, IFP Energies nouvelles

PO216: Navigating Winds and Tides: An Optimization Approach to Offshore Wind O&M
Eric Cabral, Professor and Researcher, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

PO217: Offshore Wind Farm Decommissioning Costs: A Case Study for the Belgium Part of North Sea
Ozlem Ceyhan Yilmaz, Wind Expert, International Marine and Dredging Consultants (IMDC)

PO219: A New Paradigm in Design of Wind farm Support Vessels
Karthik Sankaramoorthy, R&D Engineer, Damen Shipyards Group

PO220: Using satellite imagery to improve monitoring and surveillance of floating offshore wind farms
Mario Vieira, Renewable Energy Specialist, WavEC Offshore Renewables