Presenters and Speakers
ProgrammeSpeakersPostersContent PartnersCall for university proposalsProgramme Committee & abstracts reviewersPresenters’ dashboardBen Jobson
Consultant, The Biodiversity Consultancy
Ben is an ecologist with over 6 years' experience at the interface of biodiversity and business. Ben has a background working with global NGOs to integrate their expertise and science on biodiversity into business decision-making, especially in the context of renewable energy deployment. Ben has worked on a wide range of topics at the forefront of the energy transition, including national-level Strategic Environmental Assessments for wind in emerging markets, developing leading sensitivity mapping tools, and contributing to the development of best-practice guidelines on mitigating the impacts of wind and solar energy development on wildlife.Posters
- Integrated environmental & social sensitivity mapping - guidance for early offshore wind spatial planning in emerging markets (SenMap)
- New industry guidance from the IUCN on biodiversity and renewable energy development