Presenters and Speakers - WindEurope Annual Event 2025

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Scale up, Electrify, Deliver
Putting wind at the heart of Europe’s competitiveness Scale up, Electrify, Deliver
Putting wind at the heart of Europe’s competitiveness

Presenters and Speakers

Sara Xoubanova

Country Director (Spain) and Global Advisory Services Lead, Brown & May Marine Ltd


Sara Xoubanova is the Global Advisory Services Lead at Brown & May Marine Ltd (BMM) and Managing Director at BMM Spain. She is an experienced fisheries and marine environmental specialist, with a track record in the provision of technical support and advice to the offshore wind industry in the UK and internationally (60+ projects, including fixed bottom and floating). Over the last 16+ years her work has been focused on aspects relating to consenting risks, co-existence with commercial fishing, strategic advice, EIAs and ecological monitoring. In her current role at BMM, Sara leads on the provision of strategic advisory services to facilitate co-existence between offshore wind and fishing globally.


  • The co-existence challenge - key considerations to minimize negative interactions between offshore wind and commercial fishing
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