ProceedingsProgrammeSpeakersPostersContent PartnersGlobal Markets TheatreWindTalks for InnovationProgramme Committee & Abstract ReviewersSpeaker's DashboardCome meet the poster presenters to ask them questions and discuss their work
Check the programme for our poster viewing moments. For more details on each poster, click on the poster titles to read the abstract. On Wednesday, 6 April at 15:30-16:15, join us on Level 3 of the Conference area for the Poster Awards!

PO001: V2G: Balearic Islands
Pedro Benítez Estebanet, Project Manager, Acciona Energía

PO003: Simulation and AI to optimize the planification and exploitation of hybrid wind farms with storage
Jesús La Parra, Manager of the business line for hybrid plants, energy storage and hydrogen, Tecnatom,s.a
PO004: Wind + Solar Hybridization. How wind provides flexibility to the energy system
Asun Padros, Manager of Innovation Projects, Acciona Energía

PO005: Hybrid wind - solar power supply system for industrial consumers: a case study of Brose factory in Serbia
Katarina Obradović, MSc student, University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering

PO008: Unifying your Renewable Energy Operations
Manuel Meijueiro, Principal Architect and EMEA M&C CoP Lead, Aveva

PO010: Forecasting for the Weather Driven Energy System - A new Task under IEA Wind
Gregor Giebel, Head of Section, DTU Wind Energy

PO012: The role of financial markets in accelerating the transition
Carlos Albero, Market Area Manager Iberia, DNV

PO013: Designing new energy electrical power systems with offshore wind integration
Steinar Halsne, Technical Designer, ABB

PO014: Artificial Intelligence towards Battery Energy Storage Systems
Carlos Nieto, Global Product Group Technology Manager, ABB

PO015: High temperature superconducting cable systems for offshore grid connections
Maria O'Neill, Technology Analyst, SuperNode Ltd.

PO016: Comparison of different dynamic cable configurations for floating offshore wind turbines: static design tools
Francesco Boscolo Papo, Researcher in Offshore Renewable Energy, Tecnalia

PO019: Hybrid transmission to deliver faster, better, cheaper offshore wind
Charles Yates, Managing Director, CmY Consultants Limited

PO020: Pilot-scale substations for floating offshore wind farms
Justin Jones, Civil/Structural Group Leader, Petrofac
PO021: Comparison of floating foundation designs for offshore substation
Benjamin Mauries, Floating wind product development manager, Saipem

PO022: Network Code on Cyber Security based on ENTSO-E proposal including practical implementation using existing IEC standards
Bertram Lange, Senior Manager Application Wind, USE61400-25

PO024: The hydrogen economy: How is the global energy industry rising to the challenge?
Carlos Albero, Market Area Manager Iberia, DNV

PO025: Hybrid renewable generation (wind + PV) for green hydrogen production for thermal industrial applications
Francisco Javier Tainta del Castillo, Senior Technological Advisor, Acciona Energía

PO026: A multilinear model for fault ride through tests
Aline Luxa, Research associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

PO028: A Financial Algorithm for Computing the Levelized Cost (€/kg; US$/kg) of Producing Green Hydrogen (LCOH); A Quantitative Tool
Michael Stavy, Principal, Michael STAVY, Advisor on Renewable Energy Finance Projects

PO029: GreenH2chain: hydrogen tokenization
Pedro Benítez Estebanet, Project Manager, Acciona Energía

PO030: Power to green hydrogen Mallorca the first green hydrogen HUB in a European island
Lucas Villalba Eirea, Project Manager, Acciona Energía

PO032: Investigation and standardization of electrolysers based on test infrastructure in Bremerhaven, Germany
Lorenz Beck, Research associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

PO039: Offshore hydrogen production – realising the opportunity for grid constrained regions
Molly Iliffe, Principal Consultant, ERM

PO042: Reducing risk in FOW: turning project development on its head
Graham Stewart, Portfolio Development Manager, Simply Blue Group

PO045: First approach of an offshore wind turbine lab scale model for control design
Segundo Esteban, Associate Professor, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

PO047: Introduction to the WINDOW Project: Development of a lidar- and AI-based wind field for offshore wind farms
Alexander Basse, Research Associate, University of Kassel

PO050: PILE GRIPPERS Foundation stability tool
Angela Angulo, Offshore Wind Innovation Department Manager, Iberdrola

PO051: Design and analysis of grouted connection in offshore wind turbine foundation beyond code validity
Luca Cecchini, Principal Structural Engineer, ODE

PO053: POSTER AWARD Chain and nylon mooring lines for floating offshore wind foundations: numerical modelling validation
Álvaro Rodríguez-Luis, Project Technician, IHCantabria - Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de la Universidad de Cantabria

PO054: Flotant concept: floater design, integrated modelling & global performance
Jordi Serret, Senior project manager and consultant, Innosea Ltd

PO055: Time domain hydrodynamics at panel level: an application to the structural analysis of Telwind
Eduardo Rodríguez-López, Analyst engineer, ESTEYCO S.A.

PO058: A novel design for floating offshore wind application in the Mediterranean Sea
Alberto Ghigo, PhD Student, Politecnico di Torino

PO059: Numerical modelling of floating offshore wind turbines: current approach and challenges
Miren Sánchez, Offshore Wind Researcher, Tecnalia
PO060: Benchmark of floating wind foundations technologies
Benjamin Mauries, Floating wind product development manager, Saipem

PO061: Working with nature: retrofitting solutions for reducing mooring line loads
Liang Yang, Lecturer, Cranfield University

PO064: Development of a multi rotor floating offshore system based on vertical axis turbines
Peter Jamieson, Senior Technology Advisor, University of Strathclyde

PO066: Innovation enablers: reducing costs by empowering innovation
Thomas James, Consultant, Guidehouse

PO067: Dynamic rating of submarine cables. Experimental validation.
Paolo Grilli, System Design Engineer, Prysmian Group

PO069: APQP4Wind, the method for the global wind industry to lower the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCoE)
Raquel Izuriaga, Customer Quality Manager, LM Wind Power
PO070: Polyurethane in wind blades helps lower the cost of energy
Ernesto Silva Mojica, Market Development Manager, Covestro

PO071: Offshore wind levelised cost of energy (LCOE) reduction through lifetime extension and life enhancement techniques
Ignacio Romero, Global Technical Practice Lead - Wind Engineering, Bureau Veritas
PO072: Full autonomous inspection of big structures in wind energy industry. A solution inspired by biomimicry.
Carlos Bernabéu, CEO Arborea Intellbird, Aracnocoptero

PO073: Digitalization with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality as well as digital twins as a remedy to Covid19 travel restrictions
Fabian Renger, Product Manager Wind Test Rigs, RENK Test System GmbH

PO074: Development of a comprehensive cost database for floating offshore wind systems
Craig White, PhD student, WavEC Offshore Renewables

PO076: Sustainable decommissioning of a wind farm as an opportunity for the industry
Luca Barbetti, senior blue energy engineer, Witteveen+Bos

PO079: Composite risk assessment outcomes in Europe
Phillip Hargreaves, NES Ecosystem Director, TGS/4C Offshore

PO081: Optimizing cable protection for offshore wind farm
Manon Manaranche, Marketing Specialist & Business developer, Covestro

PO083: Variable buoyancy anchors for floating offshore wind turbines
Marcin Kapitaniak, Lecturer, University of Aberdeen

PO086: Global offshore wind ambitions are threatened by lack of suitable wind turbine installation vessels
Catherine MacFarlane, Construction Vessel Base Manager, IHS Markit

PO089: The Benefits & Challenges of Digitalizing Design Processes
Gregor Borstnar, Composite Structural Design Engineer, Gurit

PO090: Determining the position of offshore wind infrastructures using unsupervised machine learning
Piotr Michalak, Data & Intelligence Consultant, PEAK Wind

PO094: Control strategies for after pitch system fault identification
Iker Arrizabalaga, Technical Manager, HINE

PO095: CMS Diagnostic Solution for Alarm Management Optimization
Fabrice Drommi, After Market and Digitalization Business Development, SKF

PO096: Smart operation: Operate the wind power plant as ONE
Rune Reinersten, Sales and Marketing Director, Origo Solutions

PO097: The beating heart of wind farms is digital.
Vincent Dehullu, International business development, e-BO Enterprises NV

PO100: FarmConners: paving the way for Wind Farm Control in industry
Gregor Giebel, Head of Section, DTU Wind Energy

PO101: Deployment considerations and cost implications for Lidar use for site diagnostics
John Slater, Senior Consultant, Fichtner Consulting Engineers

PO102: The Offshore Wind Energy MBA – development of current and future managers
Wolfgang Lukas, Professor for Management and Human Resources, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences
PO104: Continuous improvement of offshore operations and maintenance through experience and value chain optimization
Pavlo Malyshenko, Head of Offshore Operations, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

PO106: Use of Human-Machine Interface (HMI) with advanced reliability tools for Power Conversion Systems in the wind sector
Pablo Domínguez, R&D Engineer, R&D Technology, Ingeteam Power Technology, S.A.

PO107: A New Proposed Framework for Opportunistic Maintenance for Offshore Wind (OM+)
Jade McMorland, PhD Candidate, University of Strathclyde

PO108: Transforming operations through remote and uncrewed solutions
Stephen Thomson, Business Development Manager (Renewables), Fugro

PO109: Impact analysis of the turbine failure rate distribution over the main operational parameters
Beatriz Fernández Bermejo, Project Technician, IHCantabria - Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de la Universidad de Cantabria

PO111: Robotic technologies to increase site accessibility and reduce downtime in offshore wind farms
Christian Verrecchia, Research Engineer, EDP NEW R&D

PO112: Safer Internal Wind Turbine Blade Inspections and Data Processing
Mille Klintø, Sales Director, Wind Power LAB

PO114: Safety leadership over distance – harnessing data to drive safety excellence in the offshore wind sector
Annette Nienhaus, Partner, Safety Services, ERM

PO115: Improving the safety culture
Fabio Pulici, Pulici Fabio LiHS and HSE Campaign Focal Point, Saipem

PO117: Schiedam training center
Roberta Tamburro, Schiedam Training Center Manager, Saipem

PO118: Multidisciplinary wind farm design and cost optimization using systems engineering software tools
Michael Livingstone, Principal Systems Engineer and Team Lead for Turbine Engineering Digital Services, DNV

PO119: POSTER AWARD Long-endurance, low-impact USVs for safer, cost-effective, environmentally-friendly offshore wind siting
Dave Jones, Bathymetry Account Manager, Saildrone

PO120: Design of a techno-economic tool for the optimization of offshore wind farms using genetic algorithms
Mikel Rosell, Offshore & Marine Engineer, IDOM

PO121: Offshore wind farm layout optimization using six metaheuristics algorithms
Zia ul Rehman Tahir, Assistant Professor, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore

PO122: Floating offshore wind farm micro-siting for LCOE minimisation in variable depth sites
José Rapha, Research Engineer, IREC

PO125: Context-aware clustering of turbines based on their energy profiles
Alessandro Murgia, Data Scientist, Sirris

PO128: Floating LiDAR Offshore Wind 100% Data Availability
Adrià Miquel, Lead Data Scientist, Eolos Floating Lidar Solutions S.L.

PO129: Turbulence Intensity: Floating LiDAR measurements assimilation to traditional offshore met mast’s anemometry through an adjustment algorithm
Adrià Miquel, Lead Data Scientist, Eolos Floating Lidar Solutions S.L.

PO130: Evaluation of wind field reconstruction methods for floating vertical profiler lidars
Salma Yahiaoui, Research and application engineer, VAISALA

PO131: Lidar Knowledge Europe (LIKE) the European research and training network
Charlotte Hasager, Professor, DTU Wind Energy

PO132: Offshore wind turbine blade erosion: How to quantify the impacting weather conditions
Charlotte Hasager, Professor, DTU Wind Energy
PO134: Atmospheric boundary layer height for global blockage effect assessment using scanning lidars
Pedro Santos, Researcher, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

PO136: Self-prediction performance as a proxy to estimate the uncertainty in data-filling for representative offshore wind resource assessments
Julia Gottschall, Chief Scientist, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

PO138: Using digital twins to optimize offshore windfarm resource assessment and design based on proven offshore oil and gas digital design methodologies.
Darrell Knight, Executive Vice-President Strategy and Innovation, FutureOn

PO139: Are we capturing the impact of atmospheric stability on offshore turbine performance?
Marie-Anne Cowan, Lead Wind Engineer, Energy and Climate Analytics, Wood Thilsted

PO140: Train2Wind, or how large is an infinite wind farm?
Gregor Giebel, Head of Section, DTU Wind Energy

PO141: Development of MOST, a fast simulation model for optimisation of floating offshore wind turbines in Simscape Multibody
Massimo Sirigu, Phd student, Politecnico di Torino

PO146: Waking up to the current task of turbine interaction modelling
Joel Manning, Principal Specialist and R&D Lead, K2 Management

PO147: Offshore wake models behavior by varying wind farm installed capacity and number of turbines
Valerio Labattaglia, Wind Energy Engineer, Plenitude

PO148: Turbulence structures above large offshore wind farms
Abdul Haseeb Syed, PhD Student, DTU Wind Energy

PO149: A novel method to evaluate turbine upgrades
Bruno Pinto, Chief Technology Officer, Sereema

PO151: A formal analysis of a typical role of wind speed estimation in turbine control
Iker Elorza, Control and monitoring, Ikerlan

PO153: Assessment of AEP gain in relation with Siemens-Gamesa TCU 1.0 upgrade
Luis Garcia, Wind turbine performance engineer, CGN Europe Energy
PO154: Optimized Operation of Wind Power Plants using Digital Data
Ulrich Langnickel, Senior Expert Wind Energy and Distributed Generation, VGB PowerTech e.V.

PO155: Open retrofit turbine controller solutions offer better performance, OEM independence and longer lifetime
Jose Alonso Huerta, Key Account & Business Development Manager, DEIF A/S

PO156: Simplified nacelle-based lidar module for predictive control strategies
Thole Horstmann, Scientific Assistant, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

PO157: Native digital medium voltage digital solutions
Jesús Rincón Fernández, Renewable Business Developer, Ormazabal Electric S.L.U.

PO158: Virtual Site Survey for Wind Turbine Monitoring
Michael Hastings, Sr. Application Engineer, Brüel & Kjær Vibro

PO159: Loose bearing detection in wind turbine gearbox
Michael Hastings, Sr. Application Engineer, Brüel & Kjær Vibro

PO160: GoLidar – Fraunhofer R&D Cluster for Strengthening Innovation in Onshore Wind with Nacelle-mounted Lidars
Paul Kühn, Group Manager Wind Resource Characterization, Fraunhofer Institut for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)

PO161: Leading Edge Roughness Aerodynamic Performance /LERAP/
Mille Klintø, Sales Director, Wind Power LAB

PO163: Development on new hybrid testing methodologies for reliable critical components in wind turbines
Mireia Olave, Structural Reliability - Team Leader, Ikerlan

PO166: Sealing system - lubricant-compatibility
Matthias Adler, Head of Global Material Development & Simmering Engineering Oil Seal Industry, Freudenberg Sealing Technologie

PO167: Age isn’t just a number: performance optimization for a maturing industry
Luke Cunningham, Data analyst, Clir Renewables

PO169: Robotic Wind Lidar Concept for Wind Tunnel Experiments
Shahbaz Pathan, PhD Student, DTU Wind Energy

PO173: SusWIND – Developinga circular supply chain for UK turbine blade structures
Jonathan Fuller, Senior Research Engineer, National Composites Centre

PO175: Improving blade quality based on DNV operational experience
Amilcar Zambrano, Investigations Service Owner, DNV

PO177: Forecasting of icing impacts on energy production and safety
Øyvind Byrkjedal, R&D Manager, Kjeller Vindteknikk

PO182: The IEA Wind Task 43 Metadata Challenge – A roadmap to enable commonality in wind energy data
Sarah Barber, Programme Leader Wind Energy, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences

PO183: POSTER AWARD Application of Additive Manufacturing for maintenance and repairing in onshore and offshore wind farms
Lexuri Vazquez, Senior Researcher in the Group of Additive Manufacturing Technologies, LORTEK

PO185: POSTER AWARD AirBASE: a new cost-effective precast foundation concept for large onshore wind turbines
Amaia Martínez Martínez, Chief Technology Officer, HWS Concrete Towers

PO187: Assessment of aero-elastic instabilities on partially assembled unattended wind turbine rotors during installation or maintenance
Dimitris Manolas, Research engineer and Partner, iWind Renewables PC

PO188: Higher Education in Wind Energy Systems - Perfectly fitting wind industry and research demands on highly qualified wind engineers
Andre Bisevic, Research Assistant, Fraunhofer Institut for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)

PO189: An analysis of the factors affecting Irish citizens' willingness to invest in wind energy projects
Gordon Sirr, Postdoctoral Researcher, University College Cork

PO190: Onshore wind farm planning in densely populated areas--Community acceptance as an informal tool in the Land spatial planning of China
Jinjin Guan, Lecturer, East China University of Science and Technology

PO191: Drivers of community acceptance of wind farm developments: results of a national survey.
Ellen O' Connor, Researcher, Cork University Business School, University College Cork

PO192: Community benefit funds and public willingness to accept onshore wind energy: Results from a choice experiment
Julia le Maitre, Early Stage Researcher, Cork University Business School

PO194: A permitting framework for a climate emergency
Stephanie Conesa, UK Public Affairs, ERG

PO195: A new innovative IT system for Wind parks in Greece reducing the bureaucracy and regulatory response time
Dionysios Papachristou, Electrical Engineer, Scientific Expert, Head of Press & Public Relations Office, Regulatory Authority for Energy

PO196: How aviation restrictions impede repowering potentials
Henrik Wielert, Project and Sales Manager, Nefino GmbH

Sonia García-Arrieta, Project Manager, Tecnalia

PO199: Infrastructure Application of Decommissioned Wind Turbine Blades as Energy Transmission Poles
Yulizza Henao, Doctoral Student, Georgia Institute of Technology

PO200: Cost-effective approaches to through life management
George Elderfield, Wind Turbine Performance Engineer / KTP Associate, Natural Power

PO202: Lifetime calculation and prediction of wind turbine main bearings due to the application of REWITEC
Stefan Bill, Managing Director, REWITEC GmbH

PO204: Wind farm operation 360° approach
Pedro Muñoz de Felipe, Technical director, Aeroblade

PO205: To what extent can a 3D scan of an operational turbine blade improve turbine loads modelling?
George Elderfield, Wind Turbine Performance Engineer / KTP Associate, Natural Power

PO206: Assessment of wind turbines fatigue life consumption at the site
Dimitris Manolas, Research engineer and Partner, iWind Renewables PC

PO207: Partial repowering solutions end of life-onshore wind farms
Pablo Montori, Head of Onshore Platforms, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

PO208: The challenge of repowering from the energy yield assessment point of view
Paul Mazoyer, Ph.D. candidate, Engie

PO209: Using image stacking as a basis of analyses by a convolutional neural network in order to detect birds with trajectory towards a wind turbine
Pauline Rico, President of Sens Of Life - Head of studies, Sens Of Life

PO210: Why wind-speed based curtailment may not save all the bats
John Ugland, Senior Product Manager, NRG Systems

PO211: A method to increase precision in wind farm ESG reporting
Michael Sherry, Director Wind Product and Business Development, GreenPowerMonitor

PO213: Influence of blade deflections on wind turbine noise directivity
Andrea P. C. Bresciani, Ph.D. student and research engineer, University of Twente

PO216: "Find, fix and eliminate" approach improved by load sensing, leading to increased service life of main shaft
Raf Kerkhofs, Manager O&M and Digitalization, SKF

PO219: RENEWABLEBRAIN Advanced predictive monitoring platform
Mercedes Irujo Espinosa de los Monteros, Manager of Transfer from Innovation to Business, Acciona Energía

PO220: Thunderstorm Alert System granting people's safety and wind turbines downtime efficiency
Sergio Castillo Pérez, Meteorology Specialist, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

PO221: Prospects and industry-wide challenges for an energy data space and GAIA-X in the wind energy sector
Volker Berkhout, Research Associate, Fraunhofer Institut for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)

PO222: Leveraging unstructured data inside work orders with AI
Christos Kaidis, Sales Engineering Manager, Power Factors

PO223: IEA Task 43 Data Standards Roadmap Enhancing the Value of Data in the Wind Energy Sector
Julian Quick, Research Assistant, University of Colorado Boulder

PO225: External Factors Influencing the Impact and Value of Remaining useful Life Predictions
Michael Kirschneck, Product Manager Wind, Sentient Science

PO226: Model Orchestration - A Framework for Optimizing and Combining Diagnostic Methods
Michael Kirschneck, Product Manager Wind, Sentient Science

PO229: Use of robotics and artificial intelligence in visual inspections of wind farms
Denis Drga, Digital Product Manager, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

PO230: Blade defect forecasting for the wind industry
Anders Røpke, CEO, Wind Power LAB

PO231: Neural Networks to predict turbine operational performance
John Slater, Senior Consultant, Fichtner Consulting Engineers

PO232: Optimization of new generation wind turbine installation using a self-climbing crane
Amaia Martínez Martínez, Chief Technology Officer, HWS Concrete Towers

PO233: How to use remote blade condition monitoring to transform wind blade integrity management
Valery Godinez-Azcuaga, Vice President Engineering & Product Development, MISTRAS Group

PO235: Holistic added value strategies to optimize wind turbine gearbox operation and maintenance using online oil condition monitoring data
Guillermo Miró, Application Engineer, Atten2 advanced monitoring technologies

PO236: VICE (Virtual Immersive Cockpit Environment): A versatile virtual cockpit to remotely supervise and control a multi-system of heterogeneous vehicles
Patxi Berard, Research engineer, ESTIATECH, ESTIA engineer school

PO239: New Advanced Operation and Maintenance Technologies.
Roberto del Campo Arzoz, Project Manager, Acciona Energía

PO240: Robotic Inspection of In-situ Wind Turbine Blades (SheaRIOS)
Nikolaos Stefanatos, Mechanical Engineer, Center for Renewable Energy Sources

PO241: Apply digitalization to prioritize blade repairs in a fleet of +15.000 blades. Maximize the cost-benefit.
Alonso Soberón Sainz-Trápaga, Technical Wind Coordinator, Iberdrola

PO246: Turbulence Intensity normalisation of power curves and large-scale fleet validation
Julien Tissot, Head of R&D, i4SEE TECH GmbH

PO247: Air density normalisation using remote weather data for SCADA based performance analysis
Julien Tissot, Head of R&D, i4SEE TECH GmbH

PO248: Component life assessments using incomplete failure datasets
Christopher Gray, CEO, i4SEE TECH GmbH

PO249: GIGAN: 3 in 1 sensor of blade deflections, loads, and wind conditions for wind turbines optimization
Eder Murga, Head of New developments and IT, Nabla Wind Hub

PO250: Digitalisation, a key element to wind farm maintenance and optimisation
Aleix Torner, Wind Engineer, Sereema

PO253: Measuring and visualizing environmental and social impacts of wind energy projects
Max Houwing, Wind Energy System Integration Researcher, TNO - Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research

PO254: Sensitivity and quality assessment of global 50-year return winds using reanalysis products and measurements
Marc Imberger, Postdoc in Wind Resource Assessment and Meteorology, DTU Wind Energy

PO255: Layout optimization of commercial onshore wind farms using six metaheuristic algorithms
Zia ul Rehman Tahir, Assistant Professor, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore

PO256: Instrumental icing and height sensitivity from operational experience in Sweden
Chris Francois, Technical Support Team Leader, Acoustic and Operation Engineer, CGN Europe Energy

PO259: Beyond climatology: Seasonal forecast for 12-months-ahead wind speed anomalies
Albert Bosch, Wind Meteorologist, VORTEX

PO260: Power curve from different suppliers. Results from inner range and other findings
Marta Juaniz Zurbano, Wind Resource Analyst, ENEL

PO261: Evaluation of performance of machine learning-adjusted WindCube v2.1 turbulence measurements
Andrew Black, Research and Applications Engineer, Vaisala

PO262: Machine learning based met data anomaly labelling
Ana Talayero Navales, Head of Analysis & Optimization of Renewable Energy Group sub division Wind Energy, CIRCE

PO264: Pre-campaign tools for use of lidars in wind resource assessment
Elvira Aliverdieva, Product & Offering Coordinator, Vaisala

PO267: Seasonal effects in the long-term correction of short-term wind measurements: Comparison of linear models and machine learning approaches
Alexander Basse, Research Associate, University of Kassel

PO270: CFD corrections of lidar data in complex terrain parametrized with stability estimates derived from lidar data
Eric Tromeur, Director of Research, Innovation, Service & Expertise, Meteodyn

PO271: Study on Turbulence Measurement using Nacelle Mounted Lidar
Robin Cote, Product Manager - WindCube Nacelle, Leosph

PO273: Break the rule "the most the best" for observations
Gerard Cavero, R&D Wind Data Analyst, Vortex FdC

PO274: Lidar measurements: Lessons learnt from wind measurements in complex terrain
Øyvind Byrkjedal, R&D Manager, Kjeller Vindteknikk

PO275: Towards 100% Availability of Wind Measurements
Alexandra Arntsen, Lead Data Scientist, NRG Systems

PO276: Spider - Fast and reliable Ultrasonic Inspection System for rotor blades
Pawel Leśniewski, Wind Energy Manager – Europe. Head of TEATEC (Testing and Automation Technology) UT Level 3 DIN EN 4179, MISTRAS Group

PO277: Optimization of measurement strategies for wind resource assessment with multi-lidar using an optimization tool
Tabea Hildebrand, Research associate, Fraunhofer Institut for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)

PO278: Nacelle lidar in complex terrain – what’s the added value?
Julia Gottschall, Chief Scientist, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

PO280: Microscale simulations of extreme events in complex terrain driven by mesoscalar simulations
Matias Avila, Senior Researcher, Barcelona SuperComputing Center

PO286: The Added Value of Seasonal Climate Forecasts in the wind industry, lessons from the SECLI-FIRM project.
José Vidal, Technical Director Energy Advisory, UL

PO287: Modeling of wind turbines in a cosimulation environment between a computational fluid dynamics and a computational flexible mechanisms codes
Paul A. Bonnet, FEA Solver Development – Aero-hydro-servo-elasticity, Siemens

PO288: Experimental Insight into Blockage Effect
Felipe Canoura Fernández, Senior Wind Resource Analyst at ENEL GREEN POWER, Enel Green Power

PO289: Mutual influence of wind power plants on the production losses due to the wake effect, case study South Banat region - Serbia
Katarina Obradović, MSc student, University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering
PO290: Global-blockage effect in a single row of wind turbines
Alessandro Sebastiani, PhD candidate, DTU Wind Energy
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