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ProceedingsProgrammeSpeakersPostersContent PartnersGlobal Markets TheatreWindTalks for InnovationProgramme Committee & Abstract ReviewersSpeaker's DashboardJosé Vidal

Technical Director Energy Advisory, UL
José Vidal has over fifteen years of experience in the wind energy industry. He currently serves as UL Technical Director of Energy Advisory. Previously he was the Manager of Energy Services for Iberia and Latin America at UL. Mr. Vidal has an MSc in Physics and his main area of expertise is Atmospheric Physics and Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP). He has been project leader on over 100 wind mapping projects in Europe & Latin America, and over 30 other countries. He has also participated in several projects for regional and state governments, as well as for the European Union. He has also participated in several projects for regional and state governments, as well as for the European Union.Presentations
- Resource assessment: modelling
Validation of a coupled mesoscale-microscale and a Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes wind flow models
- The Added Value of Seasonal Climate Forecasts in the wind industry, lessons from the SECLI-FIRM project.
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