Presenters and Speakers
ProceedingsProgrammeSpeakersPostersContent PartnersGlobal Markets TheatreWindTalks for InnovationProgramme Committee & Abstract ReviewersSpeaker's DashboardEduardo Rodríguez-López

Analyst engineer, ESTEYCO S.A.
Mr Rodríguez-López is an engineer with more than 8 years of experience in diverse fields. PhD in Fluid Mechanics from Imperial College London (UK) and MSc in Aeronautical Engineering from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Broad experience in experimental and computational fluid mechanics including design, performance and processing of experimental campaigns. During his academic experience, he has been the main author of numerous contributions to international conferences and articles in international fluid-mechanics technical journals. Mr Rodríguez-López is working as an Analyst Engineer in Esteyco SA where he has been involved in different fields including the development of thermal, hydraulic, CFD, mechanical and structural analyses in various projects related with large scientific facilities such as ITER and DEMO fusion reactors, IFMIF-DONES or the European Solar Telescope amongst others. Broad experience in the behaviour of floating and bottom-fixed wind turbines from different perspectives including aerodynamics, hydrodynamics and structural behaviour.Presentations
- Floating structures and components
Time domain hydrodynamics at panel level: an application to the structural analysis of Telwind
- Time domain hydrodynamics at panel level: an application to the structural analysis of Telwind
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