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Ph.D. candidate, Engie
Paul started as an R&D engineer at Leosphere. He worked on lidar performance improvment in complex terrain correction and for turbulence intensity measurement. He also supported Lidar users in the data analysis for power curve measurement and wind resource assessment. Paul has a strong background in lidar uncertainty assessment for all types of Lidars. He originated the hybrid reconstruction algorithm for ground based lidar (patented). He participated several collaboration projets with academics (UniTTe, IEC61400-15-1, PCWG, CFARS, IEA Task 32) and published results in conferences and peer-reviewed papers. Paul recently started a Ph.D. supervised by Mines Paris (PSL), DTU and Engie Green. He looks at methods that better estimate the AEP than typical "greenfield" EYA in the case of repowering.Posters
- The challenge of repowering from the energy yield assessment point of view
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