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Mariola Rodríguez: Industrial Engineer from the University of Navarra (Tecnun) has worked at Fatronik since 1999 and at Tecnalia since 2011. She started working initially as a researcher and currently as director of research projects in the field of Advanced Manufacturing. She has extensive experience in managing national and international projects throughout her life cycle: offering, specifications, design, manufacturing and testing. She is the leader of international and multidisciplinary teams specialized in industrial robotics (especially cable-driven robotics) in which the prototypes of COGIRO, CRANEBOT and HEPHAESTUS cable robots have been developed. Interlocution with the different stakeholders: client, supplier, consortium, administration, users. Extensive experience in preparing R&D offers and proposals at regional, national and European level. She co-inventor of 4 patents, 2 of them transferred to companies that are exploiting them commercially. Participation in technology transfer negotiation agreements.Posters
- Transforming the manufacturing processes in the Wind Energy Sector by the use of CRANEBOT® system, a flexible robotic crane
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