Presenters and Speakers - WindEurope Annual Event 2022 in Bilbao

Presenters and Speakers

Amilcar Zambrano

Investigations Service Owner, DNV


Mr. Zambrano is based in Spain and his work has been related to wind energy in the European and Latin American market. Is specialized in blades,Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and wind turbine technology,. Currently is the technical lead of the wind turbine technology department for Iberia and Latam. Mr. Zambrano has joined DNV GL in 2008 and has been providing technical support since then in due diligence and inspection processes. He is a GL certified inspector and has carried out wind turbines and facilities inspections on all the main world technologies of the wind industry. His experience includes technology reviews, post-mortem inspections, blade inspections, accident investigations, manufacturing facility inspections. He is well instructed in the all mentioned areas and in several times, in the framework of RCA investigations, he has been appointed as a court expert during legal processes. Specialties: Blades, RCAs and wind turbine technology.


  • Improving blade quality based on DNV operational experience
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