Posters - WindEurope Annual Event 2022 in Bilbao


Come meet the poster presenters to ask them questions and discuss their work

Check the programme for our poster viewing moments. For more details on each poster, click on the poster titles to read the abstract. On Wednesday, 6 April at 15:30-16:15, join us on Level 3 of the Conference area for the Poster Awards!

PO022: Network Code on Cyber Security based on ENTSO-E proposal including practical implementation using existing IEC standards

Bertram Lange, Senior Manager Application Wind, USE61400-25


The proposed Network Code on Cyber Security from ENTSO-E (NCCS) requires owners and operators to establish a secure communication from powerplants to TSO/DSO. This presentation will explain the scope, objectives and challenges of the NCCS. Furthermore, the practical implementation based on the existing IEC standards 61400-25 and 62443 will be presented.

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